Human Roost????


7 Years
May 18, 2014
New Jersey
So, I have 10 chicks around 10 weeks old. They are growing quickly, and every day I'm seeing new chicken behaviors. Last week they started roosting on pretty much anything that was off the ground, including me. I have two Buff Orpingtons(Zoe & Zoo Zoo) who have been very friendly and are always the first to come to me when I walk in the run. My two Ameracauna's ( pullet & cockerel) have been warming up to me over the past month. And my Blue Cochin rooster likes to hang out in my lap. Two weeks ago I was in the run giving out blueberries and I bent over to put the treat on the ground and Lulu (Ameracauna pullet) jumped on my back. I stood up and she climbed up on my shoulder to hang out. She's done this a few times. Tonight I went in to say hello and hang out with them and I picked up one of my RIR's (Rosie). She climbed up on my shoulder and next thing I knew Lulu jumped straight on to the same shoulder to hang out too. Then Lenny (Ameracauna cockerel) jumped on top of Rosie and she flew off. Then Zoe flew up to my other shoulder. Shortly after Lenny jumped on my head. Have I become a human roost? Is this some sort of dominance behavior, or do they just want to hang out on my level. If I sit on the chair they still come and hang out in my lap. It's fun and cute, but I don't want to encourage bad behaviors if that's what this is.
It's really cute - I don't know it it's a bad behavior or not. Maybe personal preference?

Personally, I don't let my chickens anywhere near my face. Those beaks are sharp and I don't want one accidentally getting me in the eye. I'm also not wild about touching their feet - I know where those little toes have been!

Not to mention I have one that's a sure-fire pooper. Pick her up and she poops. Every time. The last thing I need is for her to leave trails of chicken poo down my back, lol!
I've had chickens fly up to my shoulder before. I don't care much for it. Aside from the pooping issue, 60f6 is right, there have been many, MANY accounts of chickens injuring people's eyes. I don't let a chicken's face anywhere near mine.

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