River hesitated, glancing down at Trodaire as if for reassurance. Dad's gonna be worried for me, staying out in the storm. Forget it, I'm not going back home in the storm just to stand in that stuffy house. She finally edged in, and by the time she had gotten her guts and came under it with the girls, boy, and cow, she was soaked. "Oh uh, no thanks. I'd hate to do that." She muttered, reaching down into her own pockets and pulling out a wad of cash. Barely enough. But still enough. Can't believe I'm randomly getting food at Sonic with random kids off the street. I've gone insane. "I have enough for myself, thanks."
The sound of someone running caused River to turn around, peering out from under the overhang of Sonic, only to be rammed into by a girl. "Watch it--" Her voice cut off as she slammed into the pavement, scraping the side of her face on it and peeling some skin off, bubbling up a ever slightest bit of blood. "Argh..."

“Oh my goodness I am so sorry I wasn’t looking here I’ll help you up” Isabelle offered her hand “do I know you?” She asked feeling like she knew this girl from somewhere she just couldn’t place where

River growled under her breath, ignoring Isabelle's hand and get up on her own, dusting herself off and retreating back under the overhang of Sonic. "It's fine." She grunted, wiping the side of her face with her arm in an attempt to clean off her face, but merely causing it to smear onto both her arm and face. Eh, it's fine. Kinda tough looking. She flicked her eyes over the girl's frame, placing her face. "Yeah, I met you last night at that barn thing-y. I was the girl that was drinking a bunch of punch." She said awkwardly, checking to see if her money had gotten wet, which thankfully it hadn't before she looked to Isabelle again.

“Ah yes River was it?” Isabelle smiled warmly. “Well good to see you I just gotta grab some food to take home then my Aunty is meeting me here to take me home, I’d be happy to exchange numbers if you’d like but if not that’s fine too”. Isabelle got ready to go to the next bay and order “sorry again” she said

Isabelle entered the next bay and pulled out a shining wallet. She spoke into the thing and waited for the food to come.

(I'm just say the area code is the same as TN XD I needed a random area code and that came up so XD)
River nodded. "Yeah, that's me. You would be Isabelle then? Yeah, nice to see you too." She said, pausing as she asked for her number. It won't hurt anything to give her my phone number, I doubt she'll ever call me anyways. "Uh, sure. Mine's 615-963-3695." She pulled out her phone, getting ready to add Isabelle to her contacts. "My full name for you to put me under is River Fallyn."

“Well okay I will give you mine” she slipped a polished card out her wallet, “here you are”. “And you can put me under Isabelle Greywick” she smiled

“Well here is my number 691-223-2357”

Isabelle flashed a quick smile at River. “Okay look here is my Aunty bye” she swung herself flashily into the car.

River added Isabelle Greywick to her contacts, before quickly putting away her phone. "Later." She muttered as a goodbye to Isabelle, glancing back at Connor, Jessica, and Whitnay. Not am I only hanging with random street kids who ride cows, I just gave my number to a random girl. This is when Dad starts freaking out. Great, police officer dad thinking I'm giving my number to gang members or something.
(@Sarah *Pesters you*)
“Look there he is” Cindy shrieked, Cinnamon was standing in he middle of a pond. She quickly dove in, not caring that she was in Jodhpurs. “You silly, silly horse” she said throwing her arms around his neck
She flung herself on him, “Thankyou so much Misty, here I’ll give you a ride back.” She pointed to a log and stopped Cinnamon next to the log, “on you hop” she said waiting for Misty
There was a loud rap in the Millstones door. Aclana opened it. “Aunty Cassie” she said happily “oh Issy will be so glad to see you”. Isabelle walked around the corner, “oh hi Mum” she said hugging her “I’ll grab my stuff and we’ll get-“, “hold on Issy, honey. I’ve been thinking. We need a bit of the country so I just bought this cute joint down town” Isabelle went very pale. “W-w-What?!” She stammers “we are living here look I already have the moving van” her mother motioned to the door. Isabelle looked like she was going to be sick, “what?” She said again. “Come on Issy I’m sure you’ll be happy here, i here you have some friends” her mum said pushing a strand of black hair out Isabelle’s eyes. “Let’s go then mum” Isabelle said snappily
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As the rain began to pelt down in icy sheets, Connor relocated back to the shelter of the Sonic's metallic overhang. "Nice to meet you, River Katrina Fallyn," he replied humorously while beckoning her out of the torrent. "Cool, cool, and most definitely. Cow-riding may be exclusive to me, but horses are this town's bikes."
He casually leaned against Clarabelle's rump, having yet to acknowledge his other two companions. Connor had a sneaking suspicion that the weird tension was about to increase tenfold, so naturally, avoiding introductions was the wisest route. "Also, it's a lot nicer under here, just saying." He began fishing around through his pockets and his hand emerged with a tattered wallet. "Here, um, if you want something, my treat- as a welcome to the neighborhood."
Abashedly, he finally looked up at Whitnay, then Jessica. "Actually, why not, I'll pay for everybody."

(The bluntness in this.)
Jessica looked over quickly, "That's a generous offer, but I have some money." she said while digging in her pockets and pulling out moolah.
She isn’t doing it legally she is doing it illegally
(Omw this sentence is golden)
River added Isabelle Greywick to her contacts, before quickly putting away her phone. "Later." She muttered as a goodbye to Isabelle, glancing back at Connor, Jessica, and Whitnay. Not am I only hanging with random street kids who ride cows, I just gave my number to a random girl. This is when Dad starts freaking out. Great, police officer dad thinking I'm giving my number to gang members or something.
(ThEy sHoUlD aLl sTaRt a gAnG)

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