Gypsy sat in the back, “I hate you” she spat at her brother, “oh yeah I hate you more” Gary smirked. Gypsy punched him playfully, “your silly” she laughed. “Okay Gypsy, Gary that’s enough” her mother snapped. Gypsy nodded and Gary mumbled something.
(Yes Fern and Jessica can be friends, and Albert Windstock can have a crush on Gypsy)
Also, can you tell me the main age range of this RP? Are there more people being RPed from ages 10-12, or 14-16, or what?

Name: Skylar Windstock
Age: 13
Rank; farmers daughter
Personality: Bubbly, funny, good sense of humor (that sometimes goes to far), outgoing, playful. But when she gets mad she has an urge to fight, in which case her siblings must be there to pull her back.
Description: She has very short straight blond hair and bangs, clear blue eyes that startle you when you first look at them, a pretty smile, can be found in a blue flannel shirt and jeans most of the time.
Other: She has a blue macaw named Pirate that likes to sit on her shoulder. Skylar especially likes birds. She can often be found in the chicken coop or up in a tree with binoculars, looking at birds.
Name: Jess Windstock
Age: 14
Rank; farmers daughter
Personality: Quiet but very shy, friendly to her very best friends, but reserved to most others, kind, hardworking, smart, responsible.
Description: She has long-ish straight brown hair and black glasses. She has Big brown eyes like Cassie.
Other: She is very inventive and smart, but in a quiet way. She has two terriers named named Topsy and Turvy. Likes to spend her time in the farmhouse attic and think about things, invent things, and read things.
Name: Andy Windstock
Age: 14
Rank; farmers son, twins with Jess
Personality: likes a good laugh with his friends, sometimes slacks off of his his farm chores to go and walk among the orchard and pick apples.
Description: he has straight brown hair and green eyes, tall, handsome
Soon Cassie grew tired of watching bugs. So she scooped Slippers up and toddled towards the chicken coop. "Eggs!" She told Slippers. "Yummy eggs." She had seen Sky collect many eggs from the chicken coop before. Later, those same eggs had been devoured by herself. Yes, they were indeed yummy. So Cassie reached into a nest box, pulled out an egg, and took a crunchy bite. She never got to taste anything besides the shell, which she spit out immediately, because the gooey insides of the raw egg had spilled all over her denim romper. Tears started to come. She wailed and wailed until Millie came running over to her and held her close. Cassie rubbed her wet eyes with the back of her chubby little hand. Why was the world so naughty to her today? Why was her favorite romper covered with sticky yellow goo, why did Slippers scare away the ladybug, why did all of her siblings have to go away to school and not come back until evening? WHY WHY WHY? She felt Millie gently lift her up and carry her inside, and set her on Millie's bed in the room Millie shared with Jess and Andy. Slippers hopped up beside her, too. Cassie gave Slippers a big wet, gooey hug, very sorry that she had thought that such a good kitty was a naughty kitty. Millie wiped the last of Cassie's tears with a clean towel, then wiped off the gooey stuff as best she could from Cassie's romper. Then she planted a kiss on Cassie's forehead. And as fast as the ladybug has spread its wings and flown away, Millie slung her backpack over her shoulder and ran out the door, bringing up the rear of a giant herd of Windstocks as they all bustled out the door. Cassie sighed and squeezed Slippers again.
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