River was offended that she interrupted her emo JK)
River muttered something incoherent, clawing herself away from a book and walked ever-so slowly to the house's front door, jerking it open to find Isabelle. "Hey, Isabelle." She greeted politely.
“Oh dear” Isabelle was a pasty colour “father says he can’t live in the country and mother left so he said I’m moving to the city, but I don’t want to”.
Slippers nearly jumped out of her skin when Topsy and Turvy came scampering through the house.
Pirate the parrot screeched, "DOG DOG DOG"
Skylar tapped his beak and herded the dogs out of the kitchen with her foot. "Shoo, yap yaps!" She grumbled. The dogs scurried into the living room. Jess rolled her eyes and scratched under Topsy's ear, and patted Turvy's side. She pulled out a big old book about physics, and plopped it into her lap, snuggling into a big old armchair by the fire. Topsy and Turvy lay down at her feet, and Jess rubbed them with her toes as she read.
Slippers clambered up onto Millie's lap to avoid any chance the dogs could get to her. Millie stroked Slippers and gazed into the fire, deep in thought. Cassie was playing with her blocks on the floor, and Fern was down there too, sitting crisscross as she did her English homework. Albert was practicing his yoyo skills in the back of the room. Andy was showing Jimmy how to tie his shoe, and finally Skylar sauntered into the living room as well, putting Pirate in his cage above the mantle and then collapsing onto the couch.

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