The rooster crowed. Millie shot out of her bed, wide awake. She had overslept. She checked the clock on her nightstand and let a breath out. She hadn't overslept by much. She slipped her feet into her slippers, and walked down the stairs to the chilly first floor. She started up the fire. She started humming a hymn, then broke into song as she poked her head into each room, waking her tired siblings up. Each Windstock rolled out of bed. Millie pulled Cassie out of her crib and pulled a pretty white dress over her head. Jess helped Jimmy into a nice button-up shirt and pinned a bowtie to his shirt collar. Andy helped Albert tie his tie. Fern slipped on a soft yellow dress, and Skylar squirmed in her light blue one. Millie wore a white dress that was similar to Cassie's. Millie's had white lace running along the edges, and she had a light blue ribbon tied around her waist. Jess wore a light green dress, which was a hand-me-down on Millie's. In fact, every girl Windstock's dress was a hand-me-down of Millie's. Each dress had a history. Cassie would like to hear the story of each dress. Sometimes Cassie would bring Millie a dress, and Millie would point out each stain, rip, patch, and lose string on the dress, and tell her how it had gotten there. She would tell her things like,
This stain was from when Jess was three. I had been showing her a sock puppet, and she was laughing so hard that she spilled her milk all over!
This was from when Fern first got her bunny. Fluffy was so mischievous then, that he chewed through a part of the hem!

Now, the whole Windstock family paraded out the door and started walking to the chapel for church.

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