humidity dropped and not coming back up help !


8 Years
May 4, 2011
Cleveland , Georgia
day 20 humidity dropped to 35 I added water and 2 big sponges 15 mins ago but it hasn't come up are my chickies going to die ? I'm freaking out ! please any advice would be great !
Get a spray bottle with hot water in it and just go crazy and spray it in the incubator. Monitor your temp after because if the water is cold or colder than your incubator temp, it will greatly decrease the temperature. This will definitely raise your humidity fast.
You're in Georgia, and you added 2 sponges (damp, I assume) 15 minutes ago, with no change in the humidity reading? I think I would be suspicious that the hygrometer had decided to suddenly malfunction.
I will heat the water to the same temp but just to make sure I'm thinking right don't spray the eggs right ?

Ceilsmom I just got the hygrometer yesterday I hope it's not wrong ! but that's my luck

I'll let ya'll know how it goes I'm adding more water and sponges and gonna spray everything except the eggs lol

I'm a nervouse wreck now ! I promised my kids they could use the chicks as show and tell !
You might want to check your hygrometer first. If it's not reading accurately you can drown the chicks. Look at the clear plexiglass windows first. Do you see any water droplets on them??
no it's clear as always no droplets no nothing I'm freakin out a little lol I put my outside inside thermometer in there cause it reads humidity and it's giving me the same reading which since i added 2 more sponges is 40 will they survive at 40 humidity ?
No they wont i think cause with humidity that low its Dry and they can stick to the membrane from the egg drying inside out

Are you wetting the sponges with lukewarm water or HOT water?
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no it's clear as always no droplets no nothing I'm freakin out a little lol I put my outside inside thermometer in there cause it reads humidity and it's giving me the same reading which since i added 2 more sponges is 40 will they survive at 40 humidity ?

This will sound crazy, but you do have any maxi pads? They hold a lot of water and do not dry out as fast as a sponge does. I have chicks hatch with lower humidity than than. Yep, busy with college and plum forgot to transfer to the hatcher and they were hatching in the incubator. If it's that low, whatever you do, do not open the lid. I use a long needle with a syringe and go through the top, and I also use the vent plug holes to add more water.

Next time, put the maxi pads in there and make sure they are under vent plug hole. Much easier to add more water that way.
no it's clear as always no droplets no nothing I'm freakin out a little lol I put my outside inside thermometer in there cause it reads humidity and it's giving me the same reading which since i added 2 more sponges is 40 will they survive at 40 humidity ?

This will sound crazy, but you do have any maxi pads? They hold a lot of water and do not dry out as fast as a sponge does. I have chicks hatch with lower humidity than than. Yep, busy with college and plum forgot to transfer to the hatcher and they were hatching in the incubator. If it's that low, whatever you do, do not open the lid. I use a long needle with a syringe and go through the top, and I also use the vent plug holes to add more water.

Next time, put the maxi pads in there and make sure they are under vent plug hole. Much easier to add more water that way.

Never thought of that...I went into lockdown this morning and humidity was at 65, my hygrometer is about 5 degrees off, so with no tubing to get through the vent hole, I took apart a bic pen to get a "straw" to direct the way was I opening this thing...then used a "marinade injector" to drip down through it directed to the water trays in my bator...mind you I live in AZ and it is hot with no outside humidity and my single tray would dry out in 2 days...before lockdown I filled both with issues, but the pad idea is great and think I may have to open to install one.....
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