humidity issue?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 17, 2012

We hatched our first batch off with a 90% rate. But we had to assist there was a really tough skin like on the inside of the eggs. We where told the humidity was too low so on this batch we raised the humidity and we lost big time. Started with 17 ended up with only 7 alive. I opened up the eggs and I think they drowned.
Any advise. Thanks Timmy
I am interested in the answers to this one...from what I understand humidity should be 35/40% until lockdown at which point you should raise it...I THINK I read 50/60%...too low and they stick to the membrane...too high and the air pocket does not get a chance to grow and just fills with water causing the drowning.

(someone plz correct me if I am wrong as I haven't done a hatch yet...I am starting one tomorrow)

Sorry your hatch did not come out that great.

I myself have years of experience with trial and error incubating all types of eggs

from Bird eggs such as cocktiels , chickens, quails, reptiles etc.

If your humidity was to high, the egg will not be able to release enough moisture
from inside causing that wet mushy chick

On the flip side if your humidity is far to low then the egg shell will be to dry/hard for the chick to break out of.. Normally when assisting chicks in hatching a majority of the time the chick will die within a week or so.. So the best thing to do is let mother nature do it's thing and all strong healthy chicks will break out with ease.

I would advise to try 60's % humidity for the first 18 days then 80's humidity for the last 3 days.
This seems to work best for me and I have tried many different times.

Best of luck!

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... so on this batch we raised the humidity and we lost big time. Started with 17 ended up with only 7 alive. I opened up the eggs and I think they drowned.

Did you have high humidity for the duration of the incubation or just the last 3 days?

The previous poster is correct in that you want to have a relatively lower humidity during the first 18 days versus the last 3.

There are various opinions as to the levels, but most agree on the need to raise humidity during lockdown.
With the first batch we ran 50% with a dry down ever other day and 65% in lock down.
And with this batch we ran 55%-60% and 65%-70%.
So this time we will run 50% steady and 65% in lock down.

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