
I just got back from a week vacation with my sisters in SE Kansas. Holy cow! They've got WAY MORE deer down there than we have up here. Step son got a nice doe. A short drive around the section, saw 21 deer!
If anyone DOESN'T get a deer down there then there's something wrong!

I won't hunt for another week or two.
Took my son to a friends ranch. Shot a Blackbuck for his early Christmas present. It was awesome. Its being mounted and I was told the meat is the best venison there is. Confirmed!
Cant wait for duck season opens Nov 19
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2 weeks until deer gun season opens here. This morning I open the blinds to see the biggest buck I have ever seen chaising a doe in the bean field infront of my house. He was thick and big! Could not get a acturate count on points at least an 8.
I need to hurry up and finish building these pens for my chickens so I can have time to go hunting. I haven't seen a buck all year, and last night when driving to town about 9:45pm my hubby saw a NICE 10 point come running out of the south end of our place. He said he missed hitting it (with my jeep!) by about a foot!

The bucks only come through our place in the fall when they start to move around and during the rut. The does come in here and have babies here, so we see them all summer. Sometimes there will be a buck or two stay on the west side of our place all summer, but they ALL leave when the rut is over and cold weather hits.

I'm ready to go hunting. Last year my hubby got his deer with my old Dodge Ram pickup. I'm glad he didn't get this one with my Jeep!
just got my week off approved so I can have a whole week and weekend to go hunting! Starts on the 15th, but I took the 14th off as well. Yeah!

congrats on your deer Kid!
Looks like when I go hunting I'm going to be sleeping out in the cold...


I have the ability to do it and if I get cold I can always get in the truck to stay warm.
Nice pictures!

Hubby got a nice big bodied young buck last night. Fresh venison backstrap roast is in the oven and smellin' good!

He would have been an 8 point, but one side of his rack was busted off about 2" from his head.

I didn't think I would see anything because they were doing dirtwork (terrrace and waterways) in the neighbor's field about 250 yards from my stand. I did have a doe come almost within bow range, but she saw where my hubby parked the John Deere Gator in the field and started snorting and stomping at it, then went into the woods directly south of me. That was okay. Hubby and I had decided we weren't going to take any does this year, so the young buck he got will be perfect for the freezer.

Now we can focus on getting a BIG BOY!

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