Hurricane Harvey coop rebuild (Picture heavy)

"Phase 1: cleanup. Weed whack all overgrowth and possibly spray perimeter with weed killer and fire ant killer."

I don't know if you have already done this (this is a long thread; don't judge me), but don't use any weed killer or ant killer or ANY type of pesticide! Your chickens will wind up with anything you put into your lawn through bioaccumulation, and if that stuff kills ants and weeds, it will kill chickens. Beware!
I sprayed some thistles that were near the run, didn’t phase the weeds at all haha. We ended up dragging down the really tall thistles with the tractor and then mowing them down. I’ll probably still use sevin dust near the cockroach heaven. I’m not overly concerned about it, it’s not in their future run.
Oh I know, it will be predator proof when we’re done. Or, at least close to it. The entire bottom half of the run will have hardware cloth, possibly the top half as well, not sure yet. Big plywood boards will be put up in certain places around the wooden deck part of the run for added wind and rain shelter. The roof will be fully wired with some added rafters to support it.
I’m depending on the run being predator proof for this to be truly “hassle free,” so I won’t be skimping, don’t worry.
I sprayed some thistles that were near the run, didn’t phase the weeds at all haha. We ended up dragging down the really tall thistles with the tractor and then mowing them down. I’ll probably still use sevin dust near the cockroach heaven. I’m not overly concerned about it, it’s not in their future run.
The roaches will move on. I wouldn't worry much about them.
Fantastic Progress!!
I'm so excited for you!

Lived in FL for a short while, bought a cool old console tube radio, brought it inside and opened the back.....dozens of HUGE ROACHES EVERYWHERE!! <shudders>
good reason to back to live up north ;) :oops:
Fantastic Progress!!
I'm so excited for you!

Lived in FL for a short while, bought a cool old console tube radio, brought it inside and opened the back.....dozens of HUGE ROACHES EVERYWHERE!! <shudders>
good reason to back to live up north ;) :oops:
Ugh. Maggots, cockroaches, spiders. The NOPE trio. I saw too many of all three today. :hit
Combined with the sloppy, rotten, moldy chicken poop in the flooded coop sitting on a hot black tarp.. I’m just glad it’s over haha. I’m not looking forward to wiring the run though.

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