Hurricane Harvey coop rebuild (Picture heavy)

Does anyone know the best way to roof a flip open coop?

I’m currently sanding the walls down to put a fresh coat of paint on. The roof is some other type of rough paint though, I don’t think I can really sand it.
My first instinct is to just paint over it as is and put a big pop-up canopy over the top. Rainproof and shielded from the sun. Canopy is already bought and will be going over it regardless of what I do with the roof btw.

Going to go get photos and hopefully some advice.
This is what the coop looks like right now, halfway through sanding. The red sides will be painted over with white or blue outdoor house paint, leftover from a seperate house project months ago.


I know, the paint should really be stripped or whatever and properly sanded down. But this is old particle board stuff and I just can’t be bothered. Its a chicken coop, yknow?
This giant cut out hole is what will be butted up against the run and screwed into the wire for the chickens to freely access. I know, wonky shape, it’s because there was a ventilation hole already there.

My question lies in what to do with the roof. Do I:
1) leave it poop brown and slightly chipping.
2) paint over it as is with outdoor house paint.
3) try and sand it a little and then paint it with outdoor house paint.
4) buy some type of crazy resilient outdoor paint for the roof and paint that on
5) some other roofing option with shingles (keeping in mind that the flip open lid is already extremely heavy)

Remember, a waterproof pop-up canopy has already been bought and will be sitting over this, mostly so the sun won’t bake it but also for rain.

Advice please
I'd be wary of any sanding unless you are sure it's not lead paint! Did you test it? Know when and what was used on it? Sometimes it's good to leave things alone.
More ventilation, unless one side will be left open all the time.
It’s not lead paint, and I’m not sanding in the run. It’s needs to be repainted because of the water damage to the wood and peeling paint that’s already on it.
And that side will be left open, that’s the chicken “door”

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