Hurricane Irene

It looks like the storm has been estimated to hit the Outer Banks of NC as a Cat 2. That means sustained winds of about 110. That is much better than previous estimates and also means that it will weaken faster as it heads North. Still a very substantial storm
You just keep the door shut

maybe close the shower curtain? They probably wouldn't try to get past it...but unless you only have 2-3 chickens or a really huge bathtub, that might get a little crowded!
To bobbieschicks in King George, VA...I just noticed where you are and I would guess that you stand a good chance of getting a direct hit. In fact, it does seem that once it crosses over the coast it looks like it should pass almost directly over you. I hope that it weakens fast and good luck..
I think you're right. Can I still drink the gin and eat the pretzels though?

Hummmm....Gin and chocolate covered pretzels,interesting combo,to each his own.
As far as the storm goes I am concerned about the winds effect on the massive white pines that the coop and run is built between. And aroung the rest of the yard. I'm talking 100ft + and 2'-3' ft in diameter. The tops of white pine like to snap off,not much to do but pray.
OK folks, Im the one keeping the girls in the bathroom
Can I say "IM A WRECK!!!!" We're about 30 miles from the coast (NC). Ive finished preparation for the girls stay in the bathroom
I have all the critters ready with their own crates for emergency evacuation, 3 cats, 2 dogs, 2 guinea pigs, 5 hens, 2 kids, whoops no crates for the kids

Tomorrow Ill finish up packing, this is my first hurricane,and my first experience with chickens,of course I HAD to fall in love with em,
, at the age of 56, & Im NOT liking this one bit
Lets pray Irene makes a SHARP right hand turn!! IM SKEEEEERED
Good luck to everyone weathering the storm.
I'm nervous too about losing trees as we are on a very wooded lot with large pines next to our home. The combination of all that rain the soft ground and high winds is frightening. The trees out front scare the c... Out of me. Wish I had the money to clear them all to have peace of mind in that regard.
Be safe!
I'm not sure what to expect but I will be taking 4 of the hens into the cellar and the other 5 will have to stay outside in their coop and covered run. Instead of putting the plastic on the outer walls, my DH will be nailing some plywood there. Thank you again for the advise against using the plastic covering for the walls. God bless you all.
Ya i'm really nervous.
I live very close to the coast and in a forestry type area.
I can see in now...flooding and tree missiles o_o...
I hope the hurricane calms down by the time it reaches us.
I brought my chickens today in just in case. I know...kinda early but we keep getting thunder and rain and i don't want to be unprepared.
Good luck to everyone!

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