Hurricane Irene

Mine are being locked in their coop. The side windows will be open a bit to allow ventilation but the bigger windows will be shut. I have several who roost in the outside pen, so I will have to do a massive roundup Saturday night and toss them all in their coop. I'm sure they will voice their displeasure at me but better to have mad hens than dead hens.
I just wrote a big ol' blog entry on hurricane preparedness for backyard chikens, please check it out and feel free to add any of your own tips!

Things were so beautiful here today, it hardly seems possible that we're about to take such a beating from Mother Nature.
Well, we just spent a good 2 hours chasing ducks, chickens, geese, and turkeys around the yard, since we're going to start getting pounded with rain tomorrow and really didn't want to get caught trying to round up then. All 83 of them. We have a pet grooming business at our residence, so there is a shop full of kennels. I'm going to have ALOT of cleaning up to do after this is said and done......

I also can't believe I just brought inside 83 animals.....

Oh well, I would hate to give them a death sentence leaving them out, and we are supposed to get it really bad here in VA-I would be worrying myself sick if they were out in it, so at least this will calm my nerves knowing they're all tucked away safe and sound inside, even if I did get a good workout out of the round-up! It's going to be like the flood gates opened up when it's time for them to go back outside-they are really not happy with me right now.

Hope everyone stays safe during this mess, and all your critters too!!
Wow! That's a lot of love for your flock! How wonderful that you have the facilities to be able to bring in 83 chickens.
Hang in there, we'll be keeping a close eye on Virginia here in CT.
Got the girls set up in the (spare)bathroom around 6:00pm NC time. Glad I got them in when I did & not wait till morning.Its starting to get a bit scary,
Finishing touch was a nice 2 in. round branch, resting half on the toilet and half over tub.
They were a little confused at first but settled in quickly with a treat of dry oatmeal, then up on the roost and fast asleep.
This is my first time with chickens, they all started laying at 19 weeks, today was our first day with 5 eggs(5 chickens), will this transition effect their egg laying? and if it does how long before they get regulated again?
Could this cause problems that I should be on the look out for?
Thanks for your help,
The rain & winds were just starting here in NoVa at 8:30am. After my agonizing over what to do, DH finally threw up his hands and said he didn't care what I did. So I went out in the wind/rain and brought the WLs inside and am keeping them in the play area inside a tub with a window screen over it until Irene passes. They're cramped in there - but at least I know how and where they are. DH says they are "farm animals" and would be fine in their coop. I'll agree about the coop after I see how it weathers this time. I know his position on farm animals vs. pets. However I watched those eggs develop into chicks and then hatch into this world - it was amazing. I will do everything in my power to take care of them - including the ridiculous act of pampering them by bringing them inside the house during a tropical storm. Hey, just wait until I hatch out some silkies this fall - I'm sure he'll tsk tsk me for that as well. LOL.

Good for you. I'm having the same philisophical debate with my DH right now. The chickens will prevail. Safety first!
It may have some effect..any type of change may alter the egg laying for a couple of days or so..or they may just lay like nothing is diffrent! Sounds like you helped them adjust to the new enviroment very well..they should be fine!
Good for you. I'm having the same philisophical debate with my DH right now. The chickens will prevail. Safety first!

HAHA! I figure God gave them to me and now I have an obligation to take care of them. It's not like I'm letting them sleep on our bed - like the dog did and the cats do! (not that that is a bad thing for anyone who lets their chickens sleep with them
) My DH would argue otherwise. But life is too short to fight and he will come around eventually...especially once he's eating those fresh eggs daily. He's warming up already - or heating up - not sure which!
Good for you. I'm having the same philisophical debate with my DH right now. The chickens will prevail. Safety first!

I am so printing this off and running it out to the DH right now..we have had this debate ongoing for the last 2 days...we have a plan in place for all the "pets" if we need to leave in a hurry..when I asked him what about the chickens....I got the "What?" look...I have a plan in place..but he says I am on my own! Yeah right!

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