Hurricane Irene

My girls spent the day locked up in their coop. I boarded one of the windows which would be getting most of the wind and latched the other closed. I went out to check on them a few times and they were all perched on the roost just looking out the window. Didn't seem to care much about it. We lost power for a while, but it is back on now and everyone seems to be ok. Now the clean-up can begin. So, at least in this part of NC, we survived. Glad Irene is moving on.
We're getting tropical storm winds now - it's been windy most of the day but these gusts are way bigger. I can feel them shake the house every now and then. Praying nothing gets damaged and glad Irene went more east then originally expected. We'll probably loose power again as it's far too windy. Hoping my dishwasher finishes its cycle before power goes off again. We lost it at 8pm for about 2 minutes.
Maureen, that set up looks awesome!!!!
What lucky ladies!

Hope we all weather out the storm safely and soundly.

In both my coops the chickens are shut in tonight. The coops are pretty secure so I am not too worried about them getting wet. I picked up anything that might have blown away and made sure everyone had extra shavings in their coops so that if it did get wet they would have dry places to go. I also placed enough food for a few days if for some reason I am not able to get out in the morning to feed or water. Unless the house gets picked up and taken to Oz that shouldn't be a problem but better safe than sorry is a good motto to live by. Hopefully everyone is safe and snug.
Coop is shut, the dog kennel i have in a run in shed had boards across the outer facing side tto protect them from wind. My 3 2 day old chicks and their mom are safe in their own little coop. Horses are in stalls, dogs and cats inside, and bees weathering it out.
I did the same as you Lily. I have an emergency setup if needed for the garage, and I will monitor them overnight, but I am fairly confident they are safe in their coop.

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