hurt cat HELP --- Pics

Here is Snowy. He's happy to be in a warm house for the first time in his barn cat life


I can't get my camera to focus. My lens is messed up
I did get some footage which I am uploading to youtube. While recording him rolling around for rubs, he tried stretching out and couldn't straiten out his leg at all so now I'm thinking it's his shoulder that's hurt? I should have been a vet so I could help my animals

I'll post the video as soon as I get it up.

**Edit to add**

I messed with my settings and managed to get some good pictures. Only thing is, they weren't of Snowy. I got one good shot of his right leg which isn't the bad leg. He wasn't into me messing with his leg. While I was trying to get a good picture of it, I can tell that it is either broke or it is out of place at the shoulder. I'm betting on it being broke. If it was just dislocated would he be able to straiten out his leg or not?

Is it normal for a wound to be so...clean shaven?

Once again, thanks for the help and support.
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The infection in the leg could be why he isn't using it. He could be bald there from licking it. Is it swollen and hot? He might have been scrapping with another cat.
Since you can't get him to a vet then antibiotics is probably your best bet. Cat bites really hurt. The area gets swollen and it feels almost like it's bruised inside. I know, I got a very bad bite from a cat. It took a week for me to be able to use my hand because it hurt so much. Once the swelling went down it felt better. I hope that's the reason your kitty isn't using his foot.
Good Luck!
Yes, it could be bald from him licking it. Not sure about the broken leg thing.. sorry.
I did give him some antibiotics. I didn't think of it being bald because of him licking. If I had used my mind instead of my 'omg freak out mommy' instincts I could have figured that out on my own. lol. I don't think it's a cat bite. The wounds are spaced too far apart and they are too large. The spot in the picture is swollen just a tad. The other leg is swollen a lot. I'd say at the spot in question, it's double the size it should be
While I was fooling with him for a picture I could feel that it isn't connected right, either from being broke or from being out of place.
I guess I'll just have to wait until morning...or monday. Why do things like this happen on weekends? Uhhg!
Poor Snowy. At least if he has to be put down, he will have spent his last moments in a warm house on a couch with a toasty blanket, sitting next to his own food bowl.
Looks like a ruptured abscess. I agree that he probably licked it clean although the area looks very square and well shaped from the pic.
could it be that he got into a scrape with a dog or something bigger than another cat?

dogs tend to shake smaller animals around when they are tying to kill them. it could have been one that hurt the back leg this badly.
I'd say he probably licked it clean and took the fur off. My cat Tiger had an absess I think. I didin't even know about it until he opened it up and licked the surrounding hair off. Must be those sandpaper tongues getting the job done. Tiger's had some greenish gunk from the infection, so I washed it out with saline solution in an oral syrenge until it was all cleaned out, otherwise they need to drain and be open to the air. Looks like your guy is doing a good job keeping it clean on his own.

If he's gobbling down food I doubt he's in serious pain. Kinda sounds like a dislocation to me, but without really seeing the animal no way to be sure. Broken bones do hurt a lot, but I've had them and it wasn't the kind of thing you'd want to die because of. You can oftentimes still bend a broken joint, unless it's swolen too much to be able to bend. The doc told me that the most common misconception was that if you could bend it then it wasn't broken. I broke my finger right across the joint and I could still bend it some. Being able to move it does not necessarily mean that it's not broken. However, dislocated joints (shoulder is all I've seen) just kinda hang there, you can't get it to move right. I do wish you could see a vet about this shoulder issue, just because it seems like you need a definite answer. Hard to treat something if you don't know for sure what the problem is, ya know?

My aunt's dog got hit by a car and he wouldn't even eat his favorite treats! He nursed back to health through it, so I think your cat will too. I do not think your cat needs to be put down, because you'd know if he was in that kind of pain. Cats are good at hiding it, but I think you'd just KNOW if you'd been around him for a while. You can tell if he's acting depressed.
Sorry I never updated on my Snowy cat. We were out of internet for a while.

Snowy is better now. His leg must have been broken. I am convened that he was hit with shot from the neighbors gun. His leg is bent up, but healed. He can get around just fine. He holds it up sometimes or uses it with a limp. It won't straiten out so he can't completely walk on it.

I had forgotten about how he had a hole in his neck at one time until about a month ago. Another tom cat that hangs around here had his throat cut and that reminded me of Snowys neck hole. I've been nursing him, I think he will be fine. These wounds are not something that happened by a fight or just nosing around. I am sure it is man made.

My neighbor has it out for us. They poisoned our family dog last July. They had some very big legal issues and blamed us for turning them in. They've split up and lost their home. The man, I don't think has a home and stays across the street from their old house and is over by us a lot. I think that he is doing all this to my animals. We've also busted them breaking into our home and after they poisoned our dog, I wouldn't think he is above attempted murder of my kids cats.
Thanks for the update. I'm so sorry that your neighbor is such a jerk. I know how stressful life can get when you have someone like that living nearby. We had one several years ago.

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