Husky dog and poultry, slaughtered chicken

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I would definitely agree about the prey drive being higher in a husky and malamute. That wasn’t my point. My point was being that possessive and totally ignoring the owner was a training issue. Killing the chicken is prey drive. Not allowing the owner near them and responding to commands is lack of training. After all it’s still a dog and has been domesticated by man. It can be done.
And I will not argue that at all and never meant to if it came across as that. I think we are basically in agreement in our thinking. This particular dog I believe in this situation might could be turned around by the right training and right owner but nothing meant ugly towards the original owner and poster of this thread because I believe truly that he or she is a good animal owner. This dog in this situation has to be removed from it and restarted clean and away from small animals and chickens especially fresh and beginning with a trainer introducing them to it and then maybe with time it might and I say that with a big MAYBE it could leave them alone in this new situation. It would definitely mean sacrificing the dog to new ownership. I don’t see it being done any other way though. I really don’t think this owner could do it him or herself at her original location with animals or chickens present by any means. I mean no ill will or argument here with you. I think we could team up and make a fine one with training it. Prey drive and all!lol!
Listen. I have read all the other posts-replies to you so far and as a previous long time Husky owner and dog owner for 40+ years let me clear the air really quick for you. You will never be able to keep this dog and chickens together. He also will never be totally controlled by you when other small dogs, or any small animals are involved. He is a killer by nature from the start. He has it in his breeding and you will never get it out of him. If you have a Husky that kills anything then he will kill everything and have no respect for you. He will usually protect you also in a situation as mine protected me but you will never control him or her. I know.
I know all this. A long time ago. The chickens are in their garden and the dog is next. There is a regular fence and an electric fence between the dog and the chickens - now for several days. Since I've already written which wild animals live in our neighborhood, the husky will keep them away. We also have hawks and eagles, a threat from the sky. As long as the dogs are outside, no one has attacked our chickens. This has never happened for over 3 years. As for the husky character and he doesn't respect me - I disagree. Sorry. I dictate: "dog owner for 40+ years... " I am 51 y. human, I make mistakes. Homo sapiens- and I belong to the group of animals - animalia. Unfortunately, man is not the king of this planet for me, nature is.
I know all this. A long time ago. The chickens are in their garden and the dog is next. There is a regular fence and an electric fence between the dog and the chickens - now for several days. Since I've already written which wild animals live in our neighborhood, the husky will keep them away. We also have hawks and eagles, a threat from the sky. As long as the dogs are outside, no one has attacked our chickens. This has never happened for over 3 years. As for the husky character and he doesn't respect me - I disagree. Sorry. I dictate: "dog owner for 40+ years... " I am 51 y. human, I make mistakes. Homo sapiens- and I belong to the group of animals - animalia. Unfortunately, man is not the king of this planet for me, nature is.
Well I was wondering when you were going to finally chime in with a response to all this craziness. It was you he was bearing his teeth at not me. You provided all this information requesting help. I tried to give you a very unbiased opinion. I know about what I was writing about whether you or anyone on the thread want to agree with it or not. It was not meant to offend. It was truth about this breed. It was not saying he was a bad dog nor you a bad owner. I never said that one time nor implied it. Save your wrath for the guy who said you were a bad trainer or needed one.
That doesn’t even make sense. If the dog kills something he won’t have respect for the owner? What?? prey drive is obviously something you’re not going to be easily able to control however you can redirect it. I agree not all dogs can be around chickens freely. Their drive is just far too great. I have a young malinois I’m still working on. With all that being said I’ve had dogs my whole life too. Dobermans, beagles, hound mixes, and now a Dutch Shepherd and a Malinois. If I were allow it the Dutch Shepherd would absolutely kill a chicken however she listens to my commands.
Dogs can be trained period. If they can’t for some reason it’s because a human has ruined them.
Dogs are not just submissive to humans. We also need to understand for ourselves what the dog's needs are. If we limit and nullify, for example, the instinct of a hunting dog, it has its consequences. However, the dog is a wild animal. It is always present in his genes. His instincts kick out from time to time. The more we put them in the chain, we restrict their territory, the more he wants out. I don't push my dog to my knees, I don't have that right. I can only teach him to live with a person. It's like making a bear dance. See these animals in a circus. They live in captivity and in cages.
I'm sorry, but that's my understanding. It doesn't have to be yours.
Dogs are not just submissive to humans. We also need to understand for ourselves what the dog's needs are. If we limit and nullify, for example, the instinct of a hunting dog, it has its consequences. However, the dog is a wild animal. It is always present in his genes. His instincts kick out from time to time. The more we put them in the chain, we restrict their territory, the more he wants out. I don't push my dog to my knees, I don't have that right. I can only teach him to live with a person. It's like making a bear dance. See these animals in a circus. They live in captivity and in cages.
I'm sorry, but that's my understanding. It doesn't have to be yours.
I’m sorry but teaching a dog commands is nothing like making a bear dance or circus animals. It’s necessary to be able to live with them. It’s not caging them or training them. And dogs are not wild animals. They have long since been domesticated and bred to live with (and work with) humans for thousands of years. Huskies and the other Northern breeds are maybe more wild than others and crave for a “pack” more than other dogs but they are still trainable! And it’s nothing like a bear. Nor is it cruel to teach them rules and respect or commands.
Well I was wondering when you were going to finally chime in with a response to all this craziness. It was you he was bearing his teeth at not me. You provided all this information requesting help. I tried to give you a very unbiased opinion. I know about what I was writing about whether you or anyone on the thread want to agree with it or not. It was not meant to offend. It was truth about this breed. It was not saying he was a bad dog nor you a bad owner. I never said that one time nor implied it. Save your wrath for the guy who said you were a bad trainer or needed one.
I am grateful for your opinion, but I added my opinion. There is nothing wrong with educating (not the right word!) people that they are not the rulers of the world. I will try to read all the posts to get a clearer picture, just for me. At that moment I was panicking and I couldn't do anything. I don't panic in general, but I had a terrible thought in my head that I had to call a hunter to shoot my dog. There were several bad things at once. However, I didn't want to leave the dog in the yard with the chicken for the night, because the wolf herds kill the dogs.
I am sorry if I added my opinion to each side. Unfortunately, I am a person who wants to understand psychology. And I always go back to the beginning because there can be a problem. I try to understand my dog psychologically. Disposal and submission are not my world, I have a teenage son....
I am grateful for your opinion, but I added my opinion. There is nothing wrong with educating (not the right word!) people that they are not the rulers of the world. I will try to read all the posts to get a clearer picture, just for me. At that moment I was panicking and I couldn't do anything. I don't panic in general, but I had a terrible thought in my head that I had to call a hunter to shoot my dog. There were several bad things at once. However, I didn't want to leave the dog in the yard with the chicken for the night, because the wolf herds kill the dogs.
I am sorry if I added my opinion to each side. Unfortunately, I am a person who wants to understand psychology. And I always go back to the beginning because there can be a problem. I try to understand my dog psychologically. Disposal and submission are not my world, I have a teenage son....
I agree with trying to figure out psychologically and the root cause of the problem etc. but even so it’s still possible to train and there are lots of great videos on YouTube that try to fix things that way. I like Kikipup a lot and also Training Positive and Simpawtico dog training. Though idk if the last two have videos specifically on resource guarding (kikopup and Zak George do) but they’re good trainers. There’s a lot of other resource guarding videos on there too but idk if they’re all good.

ETA: Oh and counter conditioning is a common and useful technique I think for this. Changing their brain chemistry and emotions to be excited or whatever when you approach instead of aggressive because something positive is going to happen instead of whatever they think. Sure there’s videos and articles on that too.
Does anyone have any good advice to give? Today was not the first time a husky had killed a chicken (first one two years ago)The chickens are behind the fence, our 4 y. old husky was left guarded and he went through the fence. We were in the city for 3 hours and a disaster awaited us at home. The chicken is in the middle of the yard and the dog does not let close, showing teeth. How to behave? We've been ignoring the dog for several hours now. Husky is in our house at night, not outside ever. Both dogs are indoor dogs at night. Since we can't take the chicken away from him, I would leave the dog out for the night. We have an electric fence to him, because we live in the countryside and he kills all the smaller animals, when he is free. He's not stupid, he understands everything I'm telling him. (so long) I have bred several breeds before, I don't know what to do at the moment. Ignore and leave outside? He has water and food outside. He is the love of my life and i don't know what to do.
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I am offended that you have decided to jump down my throat of all the people on here that have posted much more negative comments about you as an owner, trainer, and about the dog itself. I refrained from doing any of those and I also defended you and the dog when that was actually done by another poster. How you picked me out of all these posters to unleash your negativity into is hilarious but that is just fine I can handle it because I do not know you but I know your kind. Instigators and attention seekers. Anyone that would be dumb enough and uncaring enough as a poultry owner who gave a rats ass about them at all to house them in the very center of an area also housed with a chicken killing super small prey driven husky with a 100% track record of being a small animal killer in his own neighborhood in the past and then tell about it on a poultry ownership website blatantly “asking” for advice is really a piece of work. So you just go right ahead and tell me just what a bad human or animal I am and I will listen all day long. I believe I know who the real animal is who needs shocked by your electric fence or possibly a chair in my book.
I’m sorry but teaching a dog commands is nothing like making a bear dance or circus animals. It’s necessary to be able to live with them. It’s not caging them or training them. And dogs are not wild animals. They have long since been domesticated and bred to live with (and work with) humans for thousands of years. Huskies and the other Northern breeds are maybe more wild than others and crave for a “pack” more than other dogs but they are still trainable! And it’s nothing like a bear. Nor is it cruel to teach them rules and respect or commands.
Yes I agree some points. But to me they are wild animals, someone just wrote that they should do a DNA test, which would show a lot of them have wolf geens. In some breeds have more, in some have less. All the commands and discipline we can, of course, teach to dogs. But we must not destroy his nature.
Yes I agree some points. But to me they are wild animals, someone just wrote that they should do a DNA test, which would show a lot of them have wolf geens. In some breeds have more, in some have less. All the commands and discipline we can, of course, teach to dogs. But we must not destroy his nature.
Maybe huskies have more than others, idk, so it may be harder but they are still dogs. And I don’t see it as destroying his nature or crushing his spirit or anything. Dogs like having rules to obey and structure to follow. For most it stresses them out not having that.
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