
It isn't just the cross-breeding with Greens and Spaldings but living conditions including feed have dramatically changed the IB to its present physical condition. Even if not cross-bred being kept in small enclosures and fed a poor diet, one that was intended to fatten up birds for slaughter has made the IB short in neck, leg, and body length and given them a fat and squatty overall appearance. They are no longer tall, lean, and slender like the wild birds.
I agree completely. I have seen some people who have peafowl and they feed them the same thing as they feed chickens, layer pellets. It’s not that a little later pellets is bad but they feed it to them in excess so, yeah, I agree with you 100%.
I agree completely. I have seen some people who have peafowl and they feed them the same thing as they feed chickens, layer pellets. It’s not that a little later pellets is bad but they feed it to them in excess so, yeah, I agree with you 100%.
Commercial feeds intended for raising and fattening poultry for human consumption were not meant for game birds. Even the feeds manufactured for game birds are suspected to not be formulated for optimum nutrition in peafowl.

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