I’m hot, and not in a good paris hilton sort of way

Wow, just wow! I would not stand for that treatment, either, but I would've gone straight to the manager. I have never had anyone act that way, but I have had snotty greeters before. Act like I may have done something. My worst offense was walking out with one of my 3 kids holding a lolli that I latter realized was missed when the other 2 were rung up. I went the next time and payed for the extra one, though the cashier thought I was nuts! But, I have a major issue with the greeters they place at Sam's. They pay them to check receipts, I wait in a line so long it isn't funny, and when I get to them, they don't even glance at my cart! Make me wait so long, but then do nothing?!?! I expect them to check, but they don't.
If I know they will check, I am ok with it. But really! Your guy is on a power trip, and needs to be put in his place pronto!!! Just my 2 cents. Steph
I'm sorry that happend to you :aww
But isn't it great to have a place to vent!?

People are just too tired or depressed to be at least curteouse to others any more??

If it's not WalMart, it's post office, gas station, McDonalds, everywhere!!
Well, I don't have time or energy to be upset everytime someone is rude to me! So I make MY point by being extra sweet to them and smile, and say "I hope you'll have a good day!" and leave it at that. By the time I get back into my car, I don't think about it or even remember it.

Who knows, those people may be having a really really bad day or a rough life in general themselves...it doesn't justfy their crappy behavior but I always hope it would be so cool if I could get their light bulb in their head light up and readjust their thinking
Our WalMart's check receipts randomly - I don't mind them checking receipts as long as it doesn't appear that I am singled out for it. I agree with others you should call the store manager and the main office and complain about that employee - if he did it to you he has and will do it to others and he should not be working in that kind of position.
Our Wal-Mart here only checks your receipt if you have something that is not in a bag, for example, a bag of dog food or something on the bottom of the buggy, or perhaps a candy bar and Coke in your hand or something. Ours are never rude about it, however, I think "their" boss has cracked down on them and wants them to use that little highlighter to actually highlight the article that isn't bagged. They've just recently started cracking down on it.

I currently work at Sears, they employ the ink tags, and it's a chore when somebody messes with those things. And, actually, more often than not, you'll have a customer come in with merchandise that still has the ink tag attached because the cashier (for SOME reason) didn't remove it....well, they are already mad enough about that, but then you HAVE to check their receipt on the article, otherwise the geeks in the LP office will come flying out of there and jump all over you about it. They watch every single move we make. I've never seen so many cameras in my life.
My Wally World only checks large unbagged items too. And they don't always check those. The garden dept. is the same way. I have only been checked a few times even then. I have discovered that if I have my receipt in my hand as I am walking out and offer it to the checker with a smile they just wave me on through without looking at anything. I just figure they have a job to do and
since I actually hate Wally World and don't shop there often, what the heck. Show them the receipt and get the heck out of there.
However, I have also never had a checker be rude to me. I would have probably reacted in a similar manner. Except with me - I would have been the one dialing 911 asking for the police because someone was trying to rob me - the whole time screaming at the top of my lungs.
I mean - really - how would I know that person really worked at Walmart. Anyone can steal a blue vest and a name tag. Right. And REAL Walmart employess are SUPPOSE to be friendly RIGHT.
OOPS, Sorry, my bad, So Sorry you lost your job.
Walmart is supposed to be a lot of things it isn't anymore. Remember when their biggest selling points were "made in the USA" and "our prices are so low, we don't need sales?"

I dare you to try and find 20% of the items in the stores now that are made in the US.

At the wally world near my house they have sales all the time.

Oh well......
Our local Home Despot checks receipts, but they're always very polite.

The local supermarket instituted a program where you carry a scanner around the store and check yourself out as you shop - pick an item off the shelf, scan it, and plop it in your bag. Then at the checkout you pay and you're off - unless they random check you. I get checked about once a month, which isn't too inconvenient. I like the program overall.

I agree with the posters above who suggested letting the manager know about the employee's conduct. And don't shop at Wallmart if you have local garden centers or other alternatives. Support local business!

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