I’m confused about egg color

I just called the feed store and they were shocked when I told them and said it’s a really rare case. They confirmed it is pure breed, But she feels confident my other two will lay green/blue. I’ll keep this feed posted

I’m sorry, but the feed store is either confused or lying. The bird is not the color of a pure Ameraucana, and it does not lay blue eggs. All pure Ameraucanas lay blue eggs.
A pure ameraucana should lay blue eggs. Many birds that are sold in feed stores are labeled as ameraucana, but are actually mixes of ameraucana and any other breed, also known as easter Eggers, because they can lay any color ranging from blue to green to cream, brown or white. Where did you get your hen?
Rivertown in Petaluma
Seems strange that it’s just a gamble what color you are going to get. Isn’t a breed a breed? It’s like a maran will lay a large brown egg.
The reason I chose an Ameraucana for the color.
And Yes, she gave us a beautiful healthy egg :love
Easter Eggers are a cross breed so you are most likely going to get different colors depending on her parentage
Most feed stores, their employees don't know jack squat about chickens really, they are just going off what the Hatchery or their limited knowledge guesses are. no use getting upset sometimes ya get more than what ya really paid for other times ya just plain got a mystery chick. if you want a certain trait you go to a local area breeder
That's an easter egger.
The best way to tell if you're getting a real ameraucana imo is look for a variety. For example, when you buy a Plymouth Rock they are labeled as White or Barred, etc. If you get a leghorn it's a white leghorn or a brown or an exchequer, etc. Ameraucanas also come in varieties, such as blue black splash, or wheaten or buff.

Your chicken doesn't meet the written breed standard for an ameraucana. Look at the description on the label you posted; "Commercial hatchery ameraucanas have not been bred for a select color". But the APA lists only select colors. Which means they're mixed together - they're mutts. Chances are if the hatchery is more than 40 years old their "ameraucana" lines may even be a mixed line that predates the official breed standard for ameraucanas because they are a more recent breed.

But most people don't know the history/politics of ameraucana breeding. Suffice to say that in the future it's safe to assume that all hatchery "ameraucanas" are easter eggers. It's a reaaaaaaally big and common problem in the chicken industry.
Most feed stores, their employees don't know jack squat about chickens really, they are just going off what the Hatchery or their limited knowledge guesses are. no use getting upset sometimes ya get more than what ya really paid for other times ya just plain got a mystery chick. if you want a certain trait you go to a local area breeder
Agree. I did only pay $6.00 each. If I went to a breeder which I have twice. I payed $50. Each
As for the employees not be very knowledgeable, I’m going to disagree. This place is not Tractor Supply Co. It’s family owned and not a chain.
Ive been give to the owner of the feed store. I will call tomorrow and ask specific questions.
If you are t trying for a refund or exchange I say it really doesn’t matter what the feed store says now. She looks lovely and is the first to actually give you an egg, which has got to count for something! Hopefully they all lay different colors, it’s nice when you know which of your chickens laid which eggs, it’s easier to figure out who to treat if there are problems etc.
That's an easter egger.
The best way to tell if you're getting a real ameraucana imo is look for a variety. For example, when you buy a Plymouth Rock they are labeled as White or Barred, etc. If you get a leghorn it's a white leghorn or a brown or an exchequer, etc. Ameraucanas also come in varieties, such as blue black splash, or wheaten or buff.

Your chicken doesn't meet the written breed standard for an ameraucana. Look at the description on the label you posted; "Commercial hatchery ameraucanas have not been bred for a select color". But the APA lists only select colors. Which means they're mixed together - they're mutts. Chances are if the hatchery is more than 40 years old their "ameraucana" lines may even be a mixed line that predates the official breed standard for ameraucanas because they are a more recent breed.

But most people don't know the history/politics of ameraucana breeding. Suffice to say that in the future it's safe to assume that all hatchery "ameraucanas" are easter eggers. It's a reaaaaaaally big and common problem in the chicken industry.
Wow thanks for the info. I had no idea.
But guess I myself didn’t do my homework and thought I was guaranteed a green laying hen. Oh well. I raise them as pets and we sell our eggs. So not super upset. I just wanted all variety of colors to sell.

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