I’m Seriously Ticked

It looks small, but it shoots darts at 50mph.


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I have a large stray cat that hangs around my coop, I came out there in the morning and saw it watching my rabbits. I grabbed this massive ceramic egg and chucked it at the cat, I hit it on the back and I have not seen him since. My neighborhood had a huge problem with feral cats a few years ago. There was like 20 cat wandering around at any given time and they killed off almost all the small wildlife. My dogs got a few of the dumb ones but they are all gone now because some old guy got sick of them and started live trapping them. I'm not sure what he did with them or where he took them but they are all gone now... Shoot it, trap it, or do whatever to get rid of it. I have tons of bad cat stories but if I shared them all I would make this already long post 1000 times longer.
I’m in a neighborhood, so no other land predators.

I am in a neighborhood too (downtown in a city of ~1 million) and there are TONS of predators - mice, rats, opossums, raccoons, and hawks are things that I have seen personally in my yard or in the neighborhood. Neighbors have seen coyote and bobcats as well.

Cats are just the tip of the iceberg of urban pests.
1. Before shooting it, how about trying to humanely trap it? Turn it in to the local pound.

2. You have more nuisance and predator threats than you know.

3. As previously stated, if a cat can get to your chickens, so can a plethora of other predators that are smaller than the cat. You need to reinforce your flocks area with hardware cloth or the like.

4. Killing the cat will only take care of the cat. And you can't scare it away... like other predators, once they know your coop/run is open for *lunch* it will return again and again.

5. If upping your flocks security and other options have failed, THEN I would suggest you kill it. Killing an animal should *normally* be the last resort, not the first option. Please note, I said NORMALLY.

Good luck.

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