
6 Years
Feb 5, 2018
Feather Falls, CA
I'm in California and on September 8th we were evacuated because of the "bear fire". It raged through our area and out of 200 homesteads on my road, only 3 are left. It was swift and deadly. I was evacuated for two weeks exactly. The shed for the chicken feed burned to the ground and was very close to the coop and the tarp on top of the run burned off (melted actually) and the coop came very close to burning as well. As I was leaving I could see the chickens were distressed already and standing in an open area. They don't usually do that, they stay under the oak trees. When we evacuated I called the Animal Rescue to go feed the chickens for me. They didn't get any food or water for 5 or 6 days. When they did come and feed them, they gave them scratch, mostly corn. So they lived on corn for another week. I finally got home and I'm so happy they are alive. They were freaked out at first when I went to them, they are not in love with strangers and had sort of forgotten me. My Jersey Giant rooster, Harvey, was hiding in the coop with a bunch of his girls the first day and night I came back. I spent hours with them and talked to them and told them that it's ok and they are safe again. The second day they all came out of the coop to eat and preen and that second night Harvey slept, as he usually does, on the outdoor roost. Sadie and Blondie are coming to me now and jumping in my lap for pets and the others are behaving normally again. The people took their eggs and also took the eggs that my broody Maggie was sitting on. It was 3 days to hatch! I feel so bad for her. Some of them have began a molt, and they are not laying. Out of 35 hens I only got 4 eggs (three from my leghorns) for the past two days. I am thankful and grateful that God spared our home and garage. Our large barn, along with all other outbuildings were burned down. This was a terrible ordeal and I pray I won't (or my chickens) have to go through this again, ever!

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As I was evacuating I stopped to take this photo looking back to the hills were I live.

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Here are the chickens standing in the open just before I left. I opened the coop and run doors before leaving. Trying to give them a chance.

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This is where the Chicken Food Shed was located. It was a stick built 8 x 10 shed. The surround for the chickens went to the edge of the shed. My son, who stayed in the area to save his home, used whatever he could to "fence in" the big hole and keep the chickens in. He did a great job.

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My 20 acres of mostly forested land now looks like this. Almost all of it. I am depressed and very sad. ALL my friends homes are gone.

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This was the large barn and carport for the boat.
How horrifying! In Iowa, we live through plenty of extreme weather, including tornados, but I can't imagine how incredibly terrifying it must be to go through your experience with fire. I am so sorry for all that you've lost, but so happy for you that your home was spared, and your chickens, and that they are starting to heal, as you will, too.

Do your best to keep moving forward, and keep saying your prayers. I will offer one for you and yours.
How horrifying! In Iowa, we live through plenty of extreme weather, including tornados, but I can't imagine how incredibly terrifying it must be to go through your experience with fire. I am so sorry for all that you've lost, but so happy for you that your home was spared, and your chickens, and that they are starting to heal, as you will, too.

Do your best to keep moving forward, and keep saying your prayers. I will offer one for you and yours.
Yeah, fire is the worst and I think tornados are pretty terrifying! The way we feel right now, we want to "fix up" the damaged areas and sell. I want to move to the flat land in the valley and get out of the forest. Thanks for your prayers.
I am so sorry this happened to you, your family, your chickens, your neighbors. Thank goodness your chickens are so resilient and they made it! I wish you the very best in getting back to some sense of normalcy and rebuilding. Perhaps your forested land will eventually recover and be even more beautiful. 🌹
Thanks for your well wishes! The forest will not recover for 50 years at least. 100 year old pine and oaks were destroyed. You can't grow a tree like that in a year or two. I want to take my chickens and move to the flat lands in the valley, where fire does not wipe out peoples lives. I am tired already of looking at the rubble of what once was!
How awful to have to go through that. I'm glad your flock is ok and your home too.

Best wishes recovering from the losses and rebuilding :hugs
Thank you. We have everything we need actually. Everything but power and they say that will be out for about 2 months. I'm so happy to have generators! The chickens are now acting like nothing happened. They are back to being "them". No eggs, just 2 to 4 a day (35 layers) but I go out and spend time with them and they are back to being my friends again!
Thank you. We are blessed to have a home and our chickens! Most others have nothing. We will either move or get over it!!! :confused:
I was just telling my California friend today that I'd much rather deal with the crazy hurricanes than have to deal with the fires.

So scary.

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