I am absolutey heartbroken.

*I have had a lot of pets over the years and lost a lot of pets and have been sad everytime it happened. I don't think you are crazy at all. Very sorry about your birdies.
I am so glad I found this forum, for all you gentle readers have given me some amazing comfort! Thank you for your kind words and virtual hugs. May your chickens be happy and healthy always.
Oh, poor you. I feel so bad for you. My cats won't even hurt a mouse (they eat flies though), but I'm sure some cats could hurt chickens. Oh, I hope you get more chicks soon and can get through this ok. I love what you wrote about your little birdie babies! You have quite a relationship with your pets! I've written about it before on here, but my 4 turtles were attacked by a raccoon a few months back and one was killed and another was severly injured, but she has made a remarkable comeback...although she is missing 2 legs. I had no idea a raccoon would even want to eat a turtle. I learned the hard way, that's for sure. Now I bring my turtles in every night and close our chickens up like they are violent criminals. When morning comes though, I put the tutles back out and open the door so our chickens can enjoy the day. Boy do they love getting let out in the morning! Stretching, flapping, jumping, playing, bawking, and some pre-puberty-wanna' be-crowing-mumbling! Hugs to you and best wishes in the future. I just wish everyone would keep their cats inside like we do. Like another poster once said...don't build your chicken coop just good enough to keep the chickens in, but build it strong enough to keep the predators out... Good advice! Again, I am so sorry for your loss! Take care! You are in my prayers!
my chickens are about 4 months old--about the size of a cantalope. I live in the city (austin, where chickens are legal--i think up to 6?) and i have 2 cats but they go out at night when the chickens are penned in. i call it shared custody of the yard! not sure it was the cat, but just wondered. now i'm thinking it was their dog they are house-sitting for, as i found a hole dug under the fence (it's blocked-in now). he's a little guy but barks a lot and looks at them through the cracks of the boards. weird thing is they weren't eaten at all, just scratched up and barely any feathers gone or all over the yard.
yesterday was tough, but i feel so much better today after letting it all out and getting the most loving support from this forum. thanks everyone! it really means the world to me!
Im sorry you lost your girls. It always hurts. I would suspect the dog since theres the hole under the fence. The dog could have scared them to death chasing them. That happens sometimes and might be what cause the scratches. Dogs often dont eat what they kill while wild predators typically do.
Sorry for the lost you have.
I was upset when our duck Butter died a couple of months ago. So yes you can get very attached to them. I too am discoverying that chickens have a personality..
I have been told that most domestic cats won't bother a full grown chicken, young ones that may be a different story... My money is on the strange little dog.... Are you on friendly terms with your neighbors??? You might ask them about the dog if it was missing about the time of your poor chickens demise. They may not been aware, unlikely since the hole under the fence is now blocked up. But I would make them aware.

I also agree make a predator proof pen for your remaining birds
I maybe behind saying this but

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