I bought a LG bator almost 2 weeks ago. I turned it on, and it held 101.1 rock steady for 4 days. Then I add 3 dozen eggs from a friend last Friday. The temperature drops to about 95*, which I expected since the eggs needed time to warm up. So I left it overnight. The next morning, it was still at 95*. So I increased the temp just a little tiny bit, and when I come back in about 3 hours it is at 104. So I lowered it again, it goes down to 98*. I can't find a middle ground here! The eggs haven't been the right temperature for 2 days. I hope they aren't ruined
Then I have 2 dozen coming from Siz (hopefully arriving tomorrow!) that I was going to put in with the other 3 dozen for a staggered hatch. Now I don't know what to do! I still have the receipt from the bator, I am thinking about returning it and doing something different. But if I do that, then what am I going to do with the eggs? Gah! I wish a couple of my silly hens would go broody, then I could at least count on some of the eggs hatching.