I am going to MURDER

Wow, people are quick to kill....

It is OUR job to keep things out of the coop, just as the OP is doing. It isnt the predators job to stay away. We have to live with other animals on this earth, you cant wipe out everything in a ten mile radius of your coop. Relocate him, he will be fine. If you need to shoot him, borrow someones paint ball gun and give him a good whack in the A$$ with it.

Oh I'm not...I just asked because we have them around here and I've never heard of them killing anything & eating it--other than plants.

So...your username...are you Peruvian? I have Peruivan horses...

No I raise peruvian guinea pigs hence my user name. I have some on my site. I love the peruvian guinea pigs.
Oh I'm not...I just asked because we have them around here and I've never heard of them killing anything & eating it--other than plants.

So...your username...are you Peruvian? I have Peruivan horses...

No I raise peruvian guinea pigs hence my user name. I have some on my site. I love the peruvian guinea pigs.

Oh, cool. I used to have guinea pigs, growing up. I miss the little piggys!
If it is a fox he has to go! Have you ever seen what a fox can do to your helpless chickens? Trust me it isnt pretty especially when they work as a team. If he is roaming that close to my chicken coupe he is one dead fox! I believe animals are hear for a purpose but they need to remember that purpose before they start killing my chickens otherwise he is a goner if i get him in aim.
No I raise peruvian guinea pigs hence my user name. I have some on my site. I love the peruvian guinea pigs.

Oh, cool. I used to have guinea pigs, growing up. I miss the little piggys!

Yes I just love them. I have about 100 piggies. Talk about obsessed LOL!
It's an ANIMAL, for heaven's sake. It doesn't "remember" anything about a purpose. It only sees that somebody brought him dinner!

As has already been said, we shouldn't try to kill everything within a ten mile radius. We are bringing chickens into the predators' territory, and it's our responsibility to keep them separated. That DOESN'T mean killing everything. Containment, repellance, and relocation are all responsible alternatives.

Relocation is risky for the fox -- but it still gives the fox a chance at life, which shooting it does not.

I think I'm gonna have to buy myself a paintball gun!
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If the fox is not afraid of people, you have a problem. It may be rabid.

When the fox den is located, toss about a half cup of gasoline into it. That will flush out the fox, kits and anything else in there. Have your 22 handy; be ready. They come out in a rush.

This works for coyotes too.

And, be very careful, I have seen a lot of rattlers come out of those holes.

Chelle, you don't have any neighbors feeding the foxes do you? I once had an aquaintaince who thought it was "so cute" that the fox and the bobcats would wander into her yard and so she started leaving out "snacks". Well, before you know it her poodle went missing and people all around were complaining of chicken/aviary attacks. I had a very long 'discussion' with the woman and when the 'snacks' went away, most of the predators decided the meals weren't as easy as they used to be and controlling those over zealous fox that decided to stick around became much easier.

Fox is a sly creature who will take advantage of any situation and was made that way on purpose, to survive. Give him an inch and he will take the whole yard. Any mercy shown to a fox who comes in will tell them they "might" be able to accomplish the deed next time. An animal relocation unit may be able to choose a relocation site far enough away and in an appropriate area, but remember that the fox now knows human habitations are vastly interesting and a prospective place for food. Even in nature animals do not "co-exist" with the same resources, they compete for them. They compete harshly. It is not a crime to remove A predator from your vicinity that is threatening your resources. It would be a crime to go and hunt down ALL the predators in your area, whether or not they are affecting you.
For all y'all who don't want to shoot the poor fox.........I'll trap and bring 'em to your place. That way they won't be hurt none and ya'll can love an' protect 'em all you want.

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