I am going to MURDER

For all y'all who don't want to shoot the poor fox.........I'll trap and bring 'em to your place. That way they won't be hurt none and ya'll can love an' protect 'em all you want

Bring em along. My chickens are safe. Just like they should be. Dont get me wrong. I have lost free rangers and a hen before I figured out how to make my run secure. i.e., my responsibility---not the foxes.

peruvian_princess wrote:
I believe animals are hear for a purpose but they need to remember that purpose before they start killing my chickens otherwise he is a goner if i get him in aim.

It's an ANIMAL, for heaven's sake. It doesn't "remember" anything about a purpose. It only sees that somebody brought him dinner!

As has already been said, we shouldn't try to kill everything within a ten mile radius. We are bringing chickens into the predators' territory, and it's our responsibility to keep them separated. That DOESN'T mean killing everything. Containment, repellance, and relocation are all responsible alternatives.

Relocation is risky for the fox -- but it still gives the fox a chance at life, which shooting it does not.

I think I'm gonna have to buy myself a paintball gun!

Ship him here, I wouldn't mind. I've feral rabbits that I'm sure will be getting in my garden this summer. Would love to have an eliminator.

I've had losses before, huge costly losses. You know what?? I got my butt out of bed the next morning, moved birds and reinforced my coops and runs or stopped using coops that were beyond repair.
Get rid of one fox and another is right on his heels to take his place. It's really a loss loss situation.

IMO If someone really insists on killing a predator, I would hope they contact a trapper. At least they will take the fur and it won't be such a waste. If you think somethings rabid, contact AC before someone gets bit.
Disease spread without relocation also.

OP---is the fort still safe? Is all well on the homefront? Sorry the topic went off on a bit of a tanget on my end.
Bottom line is profit, I believe. Chickens and feed cost money. Foxes are quite plentiful and not on anyone's endangered species list. Foxes are very smart and repetitive, creatures of habit and routine. If they find an easy food source they will teach it to their young and so on and so on. Best to eliminate the fox. In about another month or so, he will be showing 3-4 juniors how to hunt the lovely tasting birds in your yard! Good luck!

Hey, folks, I know they are pretty and all....I get the warm fuzzies also when I see one, but a person has to protect their investments.

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