I am in love with goats!

i just love goats! i think the little ones are the cutest. my parents would KILL me if i started asking for goats too....but really, how can you resist?!? we have plenty of space.....and oh they are just too cute!!!
Y'all are killin me! I've been wanting goats for years....and I basically talked myself out of them...and now THIS! Geeeez, now I want goats again!
Ok, now that I read the entire post, I just have one thing to say...
Get two of each size!! and maybe two of each breed! Then put fencing around fencing and spend a lot of time with them.


Yeah I just tried to go to backyardgoats.com and it brought me somewhere like pathtofreedom.com...

If you're not going to use the domain why not give it up...

I have a pair coming in the middle of next month. One nigi doe in milk, and one saanen doe a year old who will be bred this fall for the first time.
Well, this may not help some of you that have husbands, or wives, that don't want goats, but...

my husband was absolutely against my ever getting goats. Last year he finally gave in for my birthday and let me get two Nigis. It took about one month and he totally fell in love with them! They are so personable and get into, onto, under, on top of, through, between, over and everywhere else.... my hubby loves that. He loves that he can't pick up his hammer because there are goat feet on it, he can't put up a ladder and leave it or he'll come back to a goat trying to climb it, etc.

We now have six goats (plus the babies); I milk four of them and hope to milk my Nigis once they've been bred and freshened.

They really are addictive... just like chickens.

We get temperatures below zero a couple of weeks during the winter here. We also can get snow 5 to 8 feet in drifts. I have my large goats in the barn. It's an open barn with no doors on the stalls so it's never completely shut up. Here's a couple of pictures of what I did this year to keep the wind and snow out of their stall:

inside -


outside -


The straw didn't work as well as I'd hoped. The goats loved to rub on it so I had to use some Tposts to help hold it in place and then they actually ate some of it. Next year I'm going to use wood and build a 'tunnel' instead.

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