I am "Joe the Plumber" are U?

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I am "Joe the Mill Maintenance Man"..........and I am sick of paying taxes and seeing how most of it gets put tp use! It should be like a charity, let me pick where and how it is used!

Joe the Plumber is doing work and contributing in their way. Joe who does not try and just says he wants to be a plumber but will just take handouts is who I got issues with!
I am sick of paying taxes and seeing how most of it gets put tp use! It should be like a charity, let me pick where and how it is used!

I'm for this as I would vote against most Government spending starting w/congressional pay raises and health/retirement benefits.

I don't believe there is a political party that represents my best interests, altho I'll take USA over any other country.

For those that don't like the wealthy being taxed, here's the age old problem: you can only tax those w/$$ for the rest have no $$ to pay anyway. Both parties spend the $$, see how national debt has risen in last 8 years. Need politicians that will quit spending--that isn't going to happen as that is how they get elected (& get rich).

I apologize as I'm very critical of both parties.
I'm voting for Obama. Anyone else from PA voting for McCain I'm cancelling your vote with mine!!!! OH WAIT- my wife is already cancelling my Obama vote with her McCain vote. Never mind
I am Joe, the jack of all trades.
I worked 20 years for a Silica metal foundry in sometimes 140 degree temps in the summer and froze in the winter.
After 20 years and struggling through problems caused by cheap imports of low grade silica metal and tariff wars and unfair taxation by the government, they filed bankruptcy and sold the company.
My 20 year retirement was included in the bankruptcy by a judge who doesnt even know my name, but that's ok cause HIS retirement is secure and paid for by my taxes.
Needless to say, Joe the jack of all trades left the company he had worked at for 20 years.
Joe was a Industrial electrician.
Joe was a Plant Engineer for a frozen pizza company.
Joe was a machinist
Joe is a design engineer now.

Joe made it a point to have at least one secure financial thing in his life, so he paid his house off, and purchased 5 acres or land and paid for that also.

Joe and Mrs Joe decided a year and half ago to build a house on the 5 acres and sell the house in the city. I guess you can see where this is going.

Joe's house in the city has lost 30% of it's value. It has been on the market for a year, and the one contract on it was turned down because of the tightening up of the credit requirments.

So, Joe is pretty mad with the government right now. All aspects of it.
Joe dont need change.
Joe simply needs government to do what it is supposed to do.

1. Follow the constitution
2. provide a military to protect OUR shores.
3. Listen when Joe speaks and do what he says.
I am "Jo - Doing Well." I am prepared to pay my 'fair share'. After all, when I was 7 or 8, I guess I was a Lazy Welfare Queen. We needed foodstamps to eat. I am willing to pay for some other "lazy" little kid's food or doctor visit.
I absolutely CANNOT believe that people who are making $40K, $60K, or $80K are getting sucked into believing that THEIR taxes will be raised.
IT'S A TRICK. (No treat!)
I don't live in the US, but since it's so close to home, I may as well add my ... *shakes pocket* 16 cents! Afterall, I'm only about an hour and a half from the border.

I'm Joe the Unemployed, Struggling to pay my bills (I have an outrageous visa bill for someone the age of 19, it's to do with my parents needing a favour), and enjoying a victory lap year in High School upgrading all my courses to 12 U level in order to go to Trent U, Student!.
Well, I'm voting for the first time in a few weeks, so I thought i'd share a young-persons point of view...

In my opinion it's always been obvious: the people who MAKE more, can afford to GIVE more.

Why should we take the same amount from people who can barely survive, as the people who are rolling in money?

The rich people don't always work harder than the poor ones, and it's not like we're all laying around not TRYING to succeed.

1/50 people make more than 250,000 a year, which means that 49 people would be helped. 49 people would be able to make ends meet just a little better.

My parents both work fulltime, and have their entire lives; we're not anywhere close to reaching 6 figures a year, even with their combined incomes.

My brother and sister (and I until recently), both got healthcare paid for by the state, and my brother doesn't pay for his lunch in school because we can't afford it. I never paid for a single field-trip, but there are plenty of times in my memory that my parents went without food because there wasn't enough to go around.

This winter, there will be plenty of times that everyone in my house will have to sleep in the living room because we can't heat our house, and only have one decent heater.

Why should the wealthy get tax-breaks, while my parents can barely pay the bills?

I dunno, it's just my opinion~
I completely agree with you, We're scraping together enough money to get our well for our barn functioning so we can at least pay our mortgage payments with Horse Boarding Fees, but to do that we're having to sell my mums jewelry, a dresser, my dad found $500 we can use, and whatever else we can do to make the money for the well, but it's not enough because we can't even afford to fill our fridge, or fill up our propane tank for the winter, which will make filling the fridge pointless as we won't have anything to cook on since our stove is propane, plus all the credit card payments, including mine, which is high due to some unexpected expenses.
I am Joe the Fiscal Specialist and DH got injured on the job and was dismissed from his job. He is on Worker's Comp. as well as unemployed. I have nothing against anyone making an honest living and trying to make a life for themselves, no matter how much money they make. My thing is that the government is trying to make it harder on us working people and easier on the ones who don't want to work. The mindset of most of the people that are unemployed is to sit on their butts and let the government take care of them while we struggle to make an honest living. The sad part about it is that the government allows them to do this. I don't think our hard-earned dollars should be used to take care of all the lazies in our country. What about the elderly? What is the government doing for them? Me and DH are like a lot of Americans, right in there in the Blue Collar catagory. We don't make a lot of money, but we do the best we can. We pay our taxes and try to live a good life. I don't think the government should penalize us by taxing us to death for trying to make an honest living.
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