I am "Joe the Plumber" are U?

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You didn't ask for a plan to stop spending. That gets into political debate which is not the intent of this thread.
I did read your post and my response was to you, not your father. Is he as bitter as you are? Thanks for the offer but I will decline. I'll say it again, a lot of people have died to give you the right to vote. There are a lot of countries in this world of ours where people cant vote. You figure it out and live with it!
So...why is that a joke? I was a lot better off with Clinton and I think most of the country was. The last eight years has been a disaster and I will not be voting Republican this year.
What income group pays the most federal income taxes today?

The latest data show that a big portion of the federal income tax burden is shouldered by a small group of the very richest Americans. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 percent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes.
If you don't collect it, you shouldn't be able to spend it, right?

For those saying we tax the rich harder, you can only tax those w/$$$$. If you take tax $$ from poorer, they will be on welfare programs to make ends meet.

We are a take from the rich and give to the poor by choice. Don't we love Robin Hood? I own a copy and love to watch it w/my kids and someday my g'kids.......or is that socialism at it's finest?? I'm sorry that was meant to be sarcasm?
Ricki...thank you for your fathers service to our country and your service to him in his aging years. He is NOT forgotten...my father also is a Vietnam Veteran....and I have voted in every presidential election...as does my Father who fought along side your Dad. I can see how you feel your vote will not make a difference...but trust me it does. Just as much as your fathers service to our country made a difference.
For me if I ever earn $250 K a year I will be more than happy to give uncle sam $50K or $75K a year of them, so just to be fair for everyone, please tell yourself how many member ofyour family even come close to $100k a year.
I started my owen business in 2004 and till now I hardly can make ends meats.
So I am too Joe the Dirt mover constructon worker who works like a meul to earn a living.
Reagan did make it easy for him, huh?

If you have ever taken an economics class the FIRST thing you study...IS that the president has nothing to do with the economy! IT looks like The WHITE HOUSE is urging the banks to stop hoarding $$...as evidence of the headlines today. SO the White HOUSE is controlling the economy now?? NOT Bush???? Reagan was lucky with his trickle down theory...IT isn't trickling down now!! Clinton was lucky to ride the internet/e-commerce wave!
ooopsss....I went political. Sorry....
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