I am looking for hens that will lay Blue Eggs in Nor Cal

i get it. but i’m still going to give you sh*t because i think it’s nonsense. ;)
You're entitled to your opinion. :frow But we are way off topic now. OP asked where they could find birds that lay blue eggs. I think their thread has been hijacked. They shouldn't have to justify why they want blue eggs bc you prefer white.
Just beware and watch the spelling on any Ameraucanas you may order. The spelling is very specific to the breed. If you buy "Americanas," "Ameracaunas," "Ameracanas," or any other pollution of the proper spelling, you will be getting Easter Eggers, a mutt or mixed breed, and not the real deal. Another way to tell is by price. If you pay $5 or less, usually around $3 per bird, it's an EE. True Ameraucanas sell for $25 and up. Don't get me wrong, EE is a great bird and I love mine. I get many large greenish and blueish eggs from them. They are calm and sociable, and get along well together. They are cold and heat hardy, and if a predator gets one, i am only out $3, not $25, so that's good. But if you truly want an Ameraucana, be careful, be vigilant, and do your homework so you don't get duped!
Hello All! I am looking for a place I can purchase 2 chicks this year that will be very likely to lay Blue Eggs. Does anyone know of a place in Northern CA here I may be able to find chicks that will lay Blue Eggs?
Smith Grove Farmette in Walnut Grove has EEs and Ameraucanas, among others. They sell as straight run but take back any of their roos

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