I am looking for hens that will lay Blue Eggs in Nor Cal


In the Brooder
Oct 31, 2020
Weimar, CA
Hello All! I am looking for a place I can purchase 2 chicks this year that will be very likely to lay Blue Eggs. Does anyone know of a place in Northern CA here I may be able to find chicks that will lay Blue Eggs?
why blue? brown is easy and white is hard...
i have 24 layers and give away all the eggs...aside from what we eat. it’s way easier to give away brown or white eggs. “blue” eggs aren’t ones that people want. granted...egg shell color makes ZERO difference...but get a chicken that lays white eggs. way easier to share.
i have 24 layers and give away all the eggs...aside from what we eat. it’s way easier to give away brown or white eggs. “blue” eggs aren’t ones that people want. granted...egg shell color makes ZERO difference...but get a chicken that lays white eggs. way easier to share.
I have 20 layers and get blue (okay, blueISH), brown and white eggs. I have never had any trouble selling any of my eggs and in fact people are intrigued by the unusual blue, green and olive colors they get in my mixed cartons. I have Easter Eggers (blue, green, olive, cream and pink), Black Australorps (brown eggs) and Brown Leghorns (white eggs). The OP should get what they want. It's all fun!

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