I am loosing my mind to the fencing around the chicken run!

Mar 31, 2020
United Kingdom
I am loosing my mind to this fencing business. We are new in keeping poultry. Currently we have 5 baby ducks that live at night in the box in the utility room and during nice warm days outside in a cage / tractor that we have constructed. We can cope with the status quo for another two weeks, but they are outgrowing their brooder and starting to get their real feathers and so will have to move them into their coop soon. In addition to that we are any moment expecting a breeder to call us our chickens are ready for collection and we are still in the middle of our fence construction. We hoped to build around 30m perimeter run with wooden 100x100x2100 mm fence posts with heavier gauge welded metal mesh roll fence. Originally we aimed for 50x50ml holes, but all fences we are finding are either in 25m rolls (which would not be enough as a 1 roll and would become too expensive if we were to get 2x25m – this project is getting so very expensive already!) or we found an option of a good deal 12 gauge 75x75 mm for 50m. We have foxes and badgers living in the area and so we are hoping to add a net skirting at the bottom and a cranked outwards bracket with wires or netting on the top. Do you think 75mm holes would be sufficient to keep the chickens from escaping (we are to have quite large breeds like Orpingtons) and keeping most predators out? Many thanks for any advice!
Fencing is rather expensive. no way around it. we are looking into Electric Flexi fencing seen on Gold Shaw Farms youtube channel. we bought a 50x50 roll of hardware cloth and it was $90CDN and it was just enough to make their coop and run we built predator proof. We have an Omlet Eglu Cube for the hens and we also needed a coop for our ducklings. our coop isnt going to arrive in time because the ducklings outgrew the brooder, so we built something on the fly. Good Luck with your fencing
Do you think 75mm holes would be sufficient to keep the chickens from escaping (we are to have quite large breeds like Orpingtons) and keeping most predators out?
75mm = ~3"
Once they are full grown it will keep the chickens in....
..and foxes out, not sure about badgers.
Definitely would need an anti-dig apron for badgers.

Good examples of anti-dig apron installation.
If rodents are prolific, burying the apron ~12" would be good.

Would help others help you if we knew......
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Thank you, Aart. I have added my location :) We have built our fence now. 2.1m tall with additional climb-proof outwards 0.5m overhang and 0.5m outwards skirting covered with turf. The holes are 50x75mm, heavy gauge. The ducklings now live locked in the coop within the fenced run, but we would really love to start keeping their door open at night to avoid keeping water inside spoiling the bedding constantly. The heat should not be a problem anymore, I guess, since they are 8 weeks old. The fence looks mighty, but keeping their coop open at night still makes me nervous.

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