i am sick and tired of wasting feed

I'm having the same problems.

I am going to try those "L" shaped PVC pipe feeders that can be mounted on the wall of the coop. By the looks of it, it is off the floor, and the holes in them allow the birds to eat, but not scratch it out.

As it stands now, they can get a foot into the feeder and scratch everything out...
May I suggest an old style hub cap that is flat faced?

Mounted to a surface (such as a board) to keep it from tipping, the older 'full-wheel' hub caps had turned-in lips ... this would prevent the food flinging. (Or should anyway.)

Just my $0.02 worth.

All the best to ya!


I use a hanging 3 gallon galvanized feeder for my 21 chickens and have hardly any spillage........I also have it hanging kinda in a corner and it gives them less "room" to mess around with it, kwim???
a cone shaped "roof" will prevent them getting into the dish and throwing all the feed out
My chickens are messy too! Like this morning I went out there with a bucket of feed and they still had a mess from last night!!! So I just put the food up. I bet they will eat that feed today since I didn't feed them again! (They always clean it up if I don't overfeed them) I love my chickens!!!

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