I am so angry, I could scream!


10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Russell County
So... I've posted god knows how many boxes of eggs, and for the first time this week, one of our eggs arrive in terrible condition!!!!
I've heard of horror stories like this and although have only had one box like this, was wondering how often the Post Office ABUSES the "fragile" rule!!???

Was also wondering if anyone has ever had a disaster like this? I'm scared now, though this is the FIRST time, I wonder what happens if it happens AGAIN? I guess it's a 1% chance, but it still hurts when the boxes are bashed
I could just cry!!

Has this happened to anyone before??? Or am I just bad luck? Do ya think this may happen again? Mind you, I've shipped a many eggs, but wow... this killed me!!! I've fallen off the horse and I'm pouting!

The purchaser will receive more eggs <3

This is another BYC link about this topic:

Was wondering what shipping payment/method you used?
I've been using Flat rate and have been shipped Flat rate for not too long now, but really????
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Has this happened to anyone before??? Or am I just bad luck? Do ya think this may happen again?

Yes, No, YES. If you are going to do business through shipping, you are going to have expect that now and again, it won't go right. I have two small website businesses. If the product I ship gets lost or damaged, I replace it. It doesn't happen often, as, like you, I am careful in my shipping and packaging practices. However, it is part of the 'cost' of doing business. The post office hasn't suddenly changed their practices. Any number of things could have happened and, most likely, won't just 'happen' again.​
Yes, No, YES. If you are going to do business through shipping, you are going to have expect that now and again, it won't go right. I have two small website businesses. If the product I ship gets lost or damaged, I replace it. It doesn't happen often, as, like you, I am careful in my shipping and packaging practices. However, it is part of the 'cost' of doing business. The post office hasn't suddenly changed their practices. Any number of things could have happened and, most likely, won't just 'happen' again.

Thank you! That makes me feel a little better... sort of... I still feel like crap!
The other day, I dropped an egg and smooshed it... I can tell ya I ALMOST had a miniature heart attack!
To have half the eggs just battered, gosh... partial seizure...

I just got a book shipped to me today and I can tell you, the packaging was SMASHED!!!!! Thankgod, my book is a hard back and although the cover is somewhat destroyed, I can still read it
but eggs, they're so much more fragile!! I didn't expect the eggs to be so battered...

Sigh, I guess there is a first time for everything
I hope the buyer won't see this as totally my fault. I just keep playing in my head how I could have packed better.
Steel concrete next time to surround the eggs.

There is always a fender bender here and there. Who knows what happened. It does not sound like fun though to be on either end. I understand that you packed your eggs well and that the box was obviously mishandled.

ALl my boxes I have written:




I was going to glue a picture of one of the roosters on there just for kicks and giggles... should have done that
would have caught their attention and not make two people sad

LOL, though I suppose I will try that

I suppose I should pick myself off the ground and try again... meh, one mishap out of about 100 isn't too bad...

I complained to the post office when they left 3 boxes of eggs in 6 inches of snow, the lady at the post office said and I quote "we are not responsible for the packages we deliver". At least she cleared that up for me
I think thats your first mistake. It seems the more information you put on there, the more likely someone evil person will just have to try to slam dunk the box. I only put Fragile on the box, and so far (knock wood), they've all arrived in good shape, with, I think, only a couple cracked the entire year.

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