I am sooo grossed out right now! Eyelash Mites? Normal?


THE Delaware Blue Hen
12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Home Of The Delaware Blue Hen
I had heard that there are "spiders" that live on your eyelashes, but i never thought anything of it...well today curiosity got the best of me and I researched it. I am so sorry now!

Demodex folliculorum, or the demodicid also known as the eyelash mite, is a tiny mite, less than 0.4 mm long, that lives in pores and hair follicles, usually on the nose, forehead, cheek, and chin, and often in the roots of eyelashes. (A follicle is the pore from which a hair grows). It is not really a parasite since it lives on dead skin cells and secretions, but overgrowth of them can cause irritation.

Demodicids have a wormlike appearance, with legs that are mere stumps. People with oily skin, or those who use cosmetics heavily and don't wash thoroughly, have the heaviest infestations ... but most adults carry a few demodicids. Inflammation and infection often result when large numbers of these mites congregate in a single follicle.

The mites live head-down in a follicle, feeding on secretions and dead skin debris. At the left, you can see seven demodicids buried in the follicle of a hair, and you can also see the hair's shaft. If too many mites have buried into the same follicle, it may cause the eyelash to fall out easily.

An individual female may lay up to 25 eggs in a single follicle, and as the mites grow, they become tightly packed. When mature, the mites leave the follicle, mate, and find a new follicle in which to lay their eggs. The whole cycle takes between 14 to 18 days.

Sometimes demodex is called the 'face mite', since it is often associated with blackheads, acne and other skin disorders (although it is not the cause of these). Demodex are harmless and don't transmit diseases, but large numbers of demodex mites may cause itching and skin disorders, referred to as Demodicosis.

The mites have tiny claws, and needlelike mouthparts for eating skin cells. Their bodies are layered with scales, which help them anchor themselves in the follicle. The mite's digestive system results in so little waste that, unlike the dust mite, this mite doesn't even have an excretory opening. So although there may be mites in your eyelashes, there isn't any mite poop! Thank goodness!

However ... did you know that you go to sleep at night on a pillow that is home to many thousands of dust mites ...which help keep our homes clean by consuming the tens of millions of skin cells we shed each day? Just pretend they're not there!
LOL...that are all over our body!....always!....i know though!...i was grossed out when i first heard about that also...
omg, I don't even want to know

I could have done with out the description of what they look like...it was also accompanied by pictures of them crowded around the eyelash follicle!
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YES, they were so gross!!! I am a bug fan and when I heard spiders on your eye lashes, I thought..how cool! BUT they are relatives of the spider and look like thick worms with stumpy legs in the front!

Yes, everyone has them on your eye lashes, nose hair follicles and other parts of your face!

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