I believe I have a hermaphrodite chicken

@CityFarmerRob , you previously mentioned that you tried to post a letter from OSU; but the letter didn't post. What did the letter say? Your vet exam results were as I suspected, because what you want to know is if Vick has an ovary and an oviduct, and an external exam can't determine that. I wish Vick a long, healthy and happy life, but when he one day passes away, that will be the time to have a necropsy done. Until then, long live Vick!
@CityFarmerRob , you previously mentioned that you tried to post a letter from OSU; but the letter didn't post. What did the letter say? Your vet exam results were as I suspected, because what you want to know is if Vick has an ovary and an oviduct, and an external exam can't determine that. I wish Vick a long, healthy and happy life, but when he one day passes away, that will be the time to have a necropsy done. Until then, long live Vick!

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