I believe I have a hermaphrodite chicken

Hurrah for @AusHen for figuring out the obvious answer and what I and everyone else had missed! A prize should be given! 🏆

I'm rather relieved the mystery has been solved,
because I like certainty. Even though OP prefers the open possibilities more.

I must say that I have particularly enjoyed this thread, and in particular the friendly discourse and educational part of it. OP, you have handled it amazingly I think and been very open, honest and pragmatic. I really like your outlook on life and animals 🙂
And for those people out there who are still under the impression that somebody, other than Superman or one of the avengers, could come into my yard and put an egg in one of my coops.
If that egg hatches that will be a first for a chicken as far as I can tell. Everyone I talk to who knew anything about this particular situation said laying the egg would be highly unlikely and being a fertilized egg that hatched would be unheard of. And I am sure there's a bunch of people much smarter than me that can dazzle us all with the math and the big words that will explain beyond any shadow of a doubt, at least to some, that it's scientifically medically and mathematically impossible. Can't wait to read the post if that happens!
I have been reading the thread off an on between patients today. Sorry if I missed it, but has the chicken had it's vet appointment yet?

The doggo is such a cutie too!
Yeah Vic went to an exotic specialist that I have personally known for more than 30 years and has been a vet for more than 32, and he specializes in exotics and he is seeing countless chickens and keeps more than 100 of them. But what he said was the outer appearance is completely like a rooster and the vent looked a little small to lay an egg however considering all the circumstances and situations surrounding it he said but it's still very possible. Because we've known each other a long time, he doesn't have any reason to doubt me. But he did say that the only way to confirm this was to be physically examined in an autopsy. And that is something somebody else posted would probably be the only way to determine this. But that's not going to happen, like I said I'm curious but not that curious. He's a beautiful bird and I enjoy him or her or whatever. But if the egg hatches, well here we go again I guess!? 😵‍💫🐔
Hurrah for @AusHen for figuring out the obvious answer and what I and everyone else had missed! A prize should be given! 🏆

I'm rather relieved the mystery has been solved,
because I like certainty. Even though OP prefers the open possibilities more.

I must say that I have particularly enjoyed this thread, and in particular the friendly discourse and educational part of it. OP, you have handled it amazingly I think and been very open, honest and pragmatic. I really like your outlook on life and animals 🙂
Thanks I appreciate that! And like I said earlier, even if he is just a rooster and this was some mistake made by me, not really considering that somebody came into my yard - well no more than I'm considering the alien thing, this has been both fun and educational - for me anyway and I hope for others. And I tell you the truth I fully expected nothing but bashing on this, I have been pleasantly surprised with the way the overall conversation has gone! Thanks to the whole community for All your support and interest!!!🤗
Have you done any reading up on the sex linked barring that @AusHen mentioned?
That's definite proof that Vic is a male and has always been a male.
I haven't yet, but I will. And I'm not doubting any information that has been gathered professionally or scientifically and I absolutely will not argue or openly contradict what anyone thinks and/or feels. If you think and/or feel that is definite proof then all curiosity has been should be satisfied. I thank and appreciate your input and comments, hope you have an amazing rest of your day 🤗
If that egg hatches that will be a first for a chicken as far as I can tell. Everyone I talk to who knew anything about this particular situation said laying the egg would be highly unlikely and being a fertilized egg that hatched would be unheard of. And I am sure there's a bunch of people much smarter than me that can dazzle us all with the math and the big words that will explain beyond any shadow of a doubt, at least to some, that it's scientifically medically and mathematically impossible. Can't wait to read the post if that happens!
A first for what? This bird didn't lay the egg.
Ya check it out. It's not about what I or anyone else that's mentioned it thinks or feels. It is science and proven.
Barring is a sex linked gene and can be used to produce sexable chicks at hatch. All the hatcheries do it and have been doing it for many decades to produce "black sex links".
It is the answer to his gender mystery or curiosity. I know it's pretty boring compared to the rooster that lays eggs and maybe even self fertilized eggs but it is what it is. Scientific facts
Again, I'm not going to argue with you or anyone else, thanks for your input and have a wonderful rest of your day 🤗
No one is trying to argue with you. It's impossible for a rooster to lay an egg.

I am confused and just want to know what this "first" thing is you are referring to.

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