I Bit the Bullet and Ordered Chicks

Oh! I should update! I'm ordering SIX now!

1 fibro Easter Egger
1 Cream Legbar
1 Easter Egger
1 splash Marans
1 Olive Egger
1 rare breed assortment

This is due in part to the fact that one of those Leghorns I picked up is a cockerel! I need more females if I'm going to have 2 males, right?

5 ducks
1 rooster
11 hens
1 cockerel
7 pullets
2 geese (though I'm thinking of holding off until next year)

Total: 27

There goes my limit of 20....
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

(and I still want a Faverolle, a Sussex, and a Polish someday)
Oh! I should update! I'm ordering SIX now!

1 fibro Easter Egger
1 Cream Legbar
1 Easter Egger
1 splash Marans
1 Olive Egger
1 rare breed assortment

This is due in part to the fact that one of those Leghorns I picked up is a cockerel! I need more females if I'm going to have 2 males, right?

5 ducks
1 rooster
11 hens
1 cockerel
7 pullets
2 geese (though I'm thinking of holding off until next year)

Total: 27

There goes my limit of 20....
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

(and I still want a Faverolle, a Sussex, and a Polish someday)
Better bump your limit up to 35. :old:lol:
That could be. The gals who worked there were great, but I didn't want a refund. I wanted my chicks, you know? Hopefully, Meyer will be more conscientious.

Or, even better, I find some blue/green colored egg layers locally and can cancel my order...
I wish I could send you some of my eggs, but I have NO idea how to do that. I'm open to suggestions if you want, though, as wre have daily blue/green eggs and all are fertilized. We have 9 "easter egger" layers with 1 EE rooster and 3 Brown Leghorn roosters. So there's no telling what their eggs will produce. No need for payment other than shipping. I would like to hear more about the whole "egg sales = farm status" thing. I don't think it's in the cards for me though as we have a hard time even giving eggs away here...everyone has an egg surplus.
It's so funny. My son says that Leghorns are the "default chicken," but I really love their big floppy combs. They make me think of those fancy schmancy fascinates ladies wear at the Lentucky Derby and royal weddings.

But "default chicken" is hilarious!

I'm calling them Saffron and either Sweet Pea or Snowdrop. I'm leaning Snowdrop because, you know, they're white.
My Leghorns are brown 😉

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