I broke my incubator...I found 1 local but.....


11 Years
May 31, 2008
Eagle Creek, OR
Ok.....I was candling and I knocked over my BRAND NEW incubator 1588
....they are not very durable lol

Not good......I have a still air set up for hatching (running 101 F at the moment) so I put my 5 live eggs in there. Poor eggs....

I called around locally and best I can find is a still air with turner ($99.00)...or a circulated one with turner ($150.00). I need to leave in the next hour or so to go get one of them...(there at different stores) which one should I get? I am so indecisive. Whats the hatch rate difference? Any other advice
I broke the Styrofoam and the turners little plastic part that connects to the motor. Motor seems ok and maybe I can Jerry rig it to work again. The rest of it seems OK. Man...I am a klutz....can you believe I am a graceful waitress for a living...LOL
I'd keep the eggs in the hatcher and contact the manufacturer to see if you can get a replacement piece. I believe they sell individual tops and bottoms for the 1588. Would save you a lot of $. You can always hand turn. It's not too bad.
on my way to go get glue and go look at the bator. I don't know why I didn't think about a glue! Thanks! I am going to see if I can find some plastic glue for turner too.......just maybe....wish me luck!
I keep some parts for the turners. Tell me exactly what part is broke and I will see if I can get you a replacement (or take apicture and email it to me). Give me a hollar at 334-991-4069 or [email protected]. If I have what you need we can do priority mail first thing Monday.

Hope I can help
Jessika I have a turner that the motor went out in, I live a ways away but if Tony doesn't have what you need maybe you could put your motor on this turner?
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