I can't add breeds to my "list"

We're looking into it. Do y'all know when this started?

Can you walk me through the exact steps (click by click, link by link)?
Ok, so I went to the breeds tab and clicked, then I scrolled to cohin and clicked, then I clicked on add to list, then I clicked the radio button....I want........then I dropped the box of my lists...and clicked on my list "breeds I would like to have"...then I clicked on submit, and an error message popped up and it said. There was a problem submitting your request or something like that. Please try again.

PS the problem started on June 20th for me
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My problem is slightly different. I want to DELETE a list. Since I have yet to find (3 different browsers tried) the Your Forum Signature section as described in the FAQ, I thought I'd try List as its "possible" replacement. Obviously not, but now I'm stuck with a List that isn't what a List was intended to be.

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread, as it is related to List.

I have that problem also. I have three lists, only 1 item in each and I can't delete anything :(
I believe it started for me on the 21st when I joined.

Here's the screenshots:
1. Pulled up the Wishlist

2. Typed in Polish and Clicked on it

3. This is what happens and doesn't stop happening

You can set your signature from your profile page..scroll down to the very bottom.

Apparently 5 posts are required before the "Your Forum Signature" field appears. It's there now but has never been there before.

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We've made some changes that hopefully solved this problem. If you are still having problems, please reply with the following:

• What is the URL of the page that you got the error or had problems?
• Did you receive any error messages? If yes, what were they? (please copy and paste the entire message, screenshots are best)
• What were the exact steps you took before having the problem? Please be as specific as possible so we can do exactly what you did.
• How long has it been happening? If only one time, what day and time did it happen?
• Which browser and version are you using (eg., Firefox 3.5.9, Internet Explorer 7, etc.)
• Have you logged out, deleted your internet cache / browser history of files, logged back in, and tried again?
• Have you tried a different browser (we suggest Firefox or Chrome)?

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