I can't believe how big my babies are!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
It seems like just yesterday we were bringing home our yellow fuzzballs and now they are so pretty with their colors on their feathers. And it is so fun to see all of their distinct personalities! Just sharing some then and now pics:) AND my 9 year old son is really into the whole raising chicks thing and had a chance to get a turken (or as my 4 year old daughter calls it, the naked chicken)from someone so I let him buy it with his own money. I know it is better to have at least 2 chicks together in the brooder but he never puts it down so it is not lonely, lol. He even got me to move the brooder into his room next to his bed so he can keep an eye on it at night. He put a little teddy bear in there for it one night and it will knock the bear over on it's stomach and crawl up under it like a mama hen, lol. It's quarantine from the other chicks is almost over so as soon as it gets around the same size we will be introducing them, slowly of course. If he can bear to get it out of his room. He lets it sit in his lap while he plays on the computer and it will snuggle with him, it is so cute:)

I know the same feeling, a family member went away for 4 days and when she came back our little chicks already had most of their feathers!!! Also, the last picture of the black and white chick looks exactly like my cuckoo maran chick Stella, except Stella has a bit rounder shaped eyes, she is the chick in my profile picture!
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Here is a better pic of the turkens neck and why Nadine calls it naked lol. It is so ugly it is cute! Seth loves it though. I have a feeling I am going to be scouting for more pallets for another coop sometime soon because I am still as obsessed with chickens as I was when I was younger. I want MORE, lol.
That it such a cute chick, I love how they grow up and look so funny with their bare necks. Also, you can feel their necks and feel if they ate any grit (which is really cool!)!

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