I can't believe how many chickens you guys have

Lol . . . I guess I should count myself lucky I'm a real fan of having grass, so that keeps my love of chickens in check. I don't know what I'd do if I ever decided grass wasn't necessary.
We are in the city also and have a limit of 14 hens, no roosters. A neighboring city only allows people to keep 2 hens, no roosters. I am over my limit right now with 20, but 7 of them are broilers so they will be gone before anyone takes notice. I would like to be able to have more since there are so many breeds and colors I would like to have in my flock, but rules are rules. My south-side neighbors are already on the edge because of my goats... no reason to antagonize them with too many chickens!
Me and my husband don't have children, those chickens become my babies number 2 (my dog #1 baby), I have 32 chickens and 16 babies just hatched today.

I loved to see them when they see me coming to their area, they were run as fast as they can, almost flying, they are waiting what kind of treat they are going to get for today usually vegetable and fruit. Sometimes I couldn;t walk becuase they all over my feet.

i thought they are acting like i've never feed them, they always have plenty of food in their coop, i used automatic turkey feeder and automatic waterer from eNasco
My husband complain i spoiled them too much, they won't eat their food

I got lots of eggs, usually I gave to friends and local food pantry, some I sell

they have lots of droppings but I cannot complain, I loved them
Mendo I ALREADY replied on this thread but I must confess.

Though I already had eggs incubating at two friends houses sizzles, prod del, a heritage del, and a barred rock(only a total of 20 hatched, only). LOL
And one was bringing me four more delawares.

I have it soooo bad now, that I DID order more birds for May. Partridge rocks and black broilers.

And I have looked at others.

What is seriously enabling me now is knowing that the local market will buy any bird I don't want. Some at significantly good prices. Finally knowing what sells only makes keeping your numbers down HARDER.

And I had to try Ideal's black broilers this year. sooooo...

Yeah um well... My name is Cher and I'm a poultryaholic.

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