I cant believe its been a year!!

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When I had my home birth with my last baby my midwife made it very clear that if something came up that she couldn't handle, she would be calling 911 IMMEDIATELY. I don't think there would have been a choice about riding in an ambulance or in a car... it would have been in an ambulance with the EMTs doing what they could do on the way. I wouldn't have had it any other way...
how much does a home birth cost? i am just curious. i like my epidural too much to ever try one haha
wow!!!!! wish i could of done that, but with my sone in january i had to have a c-section, and the induced a week early because of my gestational diebeties
resulting in 25,000 + in medical bills we have to some how pay................. i dont supose the hospital would take eggs and chickens?....
I read all the post a few hours ago but was busy with the kids to reply.
No we didn't make the decision of doing home birth cuz of lack of transportation, we made that decision WAY before our vehicles decide to die on us. I chose the home birth based on the fact that my youngest daughter was only a 2 hour labor and we barely made it to the birthing center when it was only 5 minute drive away (at the time). I would rather have the baby at home then in the car on the way there in the middle of NO WHERE!
I have medicaid so it's covering for all my prenatal medicals.
Our local (VERY SMALL) hospital here in lake butler is already informed of possible pre-term labor and they know who we are and where we live at. If by any reason, the situation comes to a point where we cannot handle it, they are immediately alerted. We also have a midwife that lives only 10 minutes away from us, that helps too.
I had my youngest daughter at the birthing center and I loved it, which is why I chose to do it again. I am allergic to the epidural, caused me to be paralized from waist down for longer then expected with DS then they tried spinal tap with DD1, and i have to say I WOULD NEVER EVER EVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! It's not worth the MISERY! Headache so bad, you cant even think. So bad you would be puking your guts out for DAYS! And the headaches don't go away for quite some time!
The most important thing to do is PLAN AHEAD! Make sure you have all your resources before time comes. I have the neighbor's truck that she had said we can use in case of emergancy, I also have family members at every corner, plus I have turned in information at our local hospital in case something comes up.
that seems to be a very reasonable price.
the only thing i dislike about the hospital, and that i will be addressing as soon as possible, is that every unnecessary person on the floor seems to think its ok to just pop in and watch the action. i remember with my daughter, 2 aids that i didnt even know came in and ran their mouths during the delivery. this time i am going to speak to the charge nurse and make sure it doesnt happen again..other than that, it was great..i hung out on the computer until time to deliver her.

i had that spinal block too, and had the same reaction! it was so bad..puking during the delivery, after the delivery...i had never been so sick in my life. i just knew the epidural would be as bad but luckily for me, it worked out really well. but no, i would never get a spinal again for anything!
I like the birthing center. The baby never leaves your side, ALWAYS with you and if they do take the baby for inspection, the child never leaves your sight! You also go home the very same day! Nothing is as comforting as the confort of your own home! I HATE, i mean HATE the hospital! They treat you like your stupid sometimes. When I had DS and DD1, they were always trying to take them to the nursery when I really perfer them being with me. I think it's important for a newborn to have complete contact with the parent more then anyone else, it's the best way to bond.
our hospital is like that as well...you have the baby and then stay in the same room and the baby never goes to the nursery unless you ask. which i do ask because i love the break in the hospital..no kids screaming and asking for stuff, no housework..its like a mini vacation! i am really glad that most places have moved towards making the labor and delivery floor less sterile looking. when i had my first, i had to go through labor in this ugly room that had nothing but a clock in it, and for delivery they wheeled me to another room and made me crawl up on a metal gurney! then they stuck me in a semi private room and no one could come in before they scrubbed up with betadyne and donned a mask. very weird and old fashioned, but that was almost 17 years ago though. now the rooms look like hotel rooms and are completely private.
one thing i defintely miss though is the free formula gift boxes they used to give out, with all of the little free gifts and things.
I had a spinal for my c-sect 10 years ago, other than making me feel sick, I itched for 2 dang days afterwards, my ENTIRE body itched like the dickens!
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