I cant believe its been a year!!

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I posted on here a while back... not expecting anymore... here he is

Roen Everett- 2 months
He is so cute!!! Glad everyone is doing well. Now you have to start a thread for newborn moms.

motherof5boys1girl im glad your feeling better.

So i want to the doctor and i still have low blood pressure, low weight gain and low blood sugar. On the plus side im starting to gain weight. I gained 6 pounds last month! Ive gain 11 pounds total. The doctor said for my body weight she likes to see 25-35 lbs gained. She said she'd be happy if i gain 20lbs. Hmm im almost 7 months so i guess i might. Ohh and my due date got moved again. Now its march 27th.
It goes so fast.. Enjoy every moment. Roen is already busting out of his 3 month clothes and I need to unpack more of Wyatt's old clothing... Goodbye, tiny little sleepers
how is everyone holding up?
i am still sick as a dog, but otherwise everything is ok..the baby is very active, thats for sure. whenever the kids are loud or he hears the tv he starts kicking, its so cute
Doing well over here... 24 weeks today! Baby is growing and pretty active. He likes to lie LOW in my uterus, so low that it feels like he is hitting the tops of my thighs when he moves around. Wish he would move up some. Well, I say that but at least he isn't anywhere near my ribcage!

Have you come up with a name yet?

How is everyone else doing?
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