I cant believe its been a year!!

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Mrs. Turbo :

I have a while to catch up to you....i am only on number 5

I'm "only" on #5 too, but I'm DONE!​
I'm not due until August, so I'll be around for a while too.
I am FINALLY over my all day nausea (knock on wood) at 18 weeks. I thought it was never going to end! I've finally gained a couple pounds instead of being in the negative. Can't wait until my 20 week ultrasound!
I thought I was over my nausea until someone offered me chicken pie and mashed potatoes for my dinner! Just can't face it. I'll be getting myself something with rice later instead.
just got back from the doctors...it looks like i might be having a c-section! they still think i am diabetic and i am to go in for the 3 hour test next week..the nurse midwife said that with my history of big babies and the possibility of being diabetic might make me a candidate for a section. i hope so because i want my tubes tied and we could just get it all done at once.
she was almost hinting at me to fudge a bit on the test even...so tempted even though i dont think it will be necessary.
I had an OB appointment today too. Everything looked good, my BP was 110/80, which is the lowest the top # has been the whole time! I've been given my "white papers" to keep in my purse. These are my records, in case I should go into preterm labor I'll have them to give at that hospital. Ethan's heartbeat was 152. I told the doctor I think he is going to be big, she said she thinks so too, even though I am measuring right on schedule. Next appt is in two weeks, after that it'll be every week until the big day!
don't fudge the tests, best to see what is going on.

I hope you're both ok anyway.

yesterday my fiance recorded the baby's heartbeat on my mobile phone - the midwife was nice and obliging and turned the volume right up so the phone could record it.
tomorrow I get to see the obstetrician again...
2 appointments a week is getting tiring!
i imagine! of course, i love going to the doctor just because i get out of the house for a bit..sad!
it's just frustrating, as we have to get my not-quite-dad-in-law to take us every time... and he's not exactly easy to deal with!
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