I cant believe its been a year!!

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Just wanted to pop in and say hey to everyone. I'm on vacation right now, so haven't been on the computer much. We've been out fishing every day, but with temps in the 90s I decided I needed a break from the heat today! I decided to stay in and read a book, and of course say hello to my BYC family!

Babymakes6 - congrats on the beautiful baby boy!
was 95* here yesterday and I thought about putting on a bathing suit and taking the kids to the pool.....

guess I am a bad mom because I decided not to torture myself. Maybe on the weekend I can sit on the side and hubby can go in with the little ones.
It's so nice to have found this thread! I was talking to a friend today who unfortunately tends to get caught up in the "Everything is possibly toxic for you while you're pregnant" school of thought, who freaked out when I mentioned cleaning our chicken coop (I always wear a mask and gloves -- did so even before becoming pregnant, wear barn-specific clothes and always wash up afterwards). I told her that there wasn't an issue with them really other than basic hygiene and thoughtfulness but then went to the computer to double-check. If anything the girls are a huge blessing because on my sickest days I still have to go take care of them and seeing their little faces in the morning takes my mind off the discomfort. Plus their eggs are some of the few things I can eat without getting sick!

Congratulations to everyone on their new and forthcoming little ones!
Well.. i finally may be joining the thread ladies..
I'm 6 days past my IVF transfer and we got a positive test tonight.
It may just be a chemical pregnancy..thats common in IVF. But i took 2 different tests..one tests at 25 HCG and the digital one reads at 50 HCG..and both were positive.
We go in for the blood BETA on Sat.... so we will see...
I'm not counting my chicks before they hatch yet though...

But i think the positives are a good sign...

We're still in shock.....i cant even be happy yet because i'm so nervous and unsure right now...
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wow good luck to you. I can't imagine how difficult it is to go through something like that. I have seen a few friends go through the process and it can be heartbreaking. I was lucky enough to not have problems when it came to having my boys and I have never taken that for granted after seeing others struggle. Just relax and try not to stress.
TONS of *~*~STICKY DUST*~*~ Redhen!!!!

This morning I asked my almost 3yr old Ona if she wanted the baby to be a boy or girl and she says "A bruddah." So, I asked her why she wants another brother and she says "Cuz they so stinky."

Haha.I love her.
IVF is such a hard process, some of my relatives went through it. I am so happy its WORKED!!!

Still hanging on here- Lovenox injections 2X daily.
Now at 21-22 weeks. Hard to believe there are some babies born @ 23 weeks that live.

Stay put and good for 10 more weeks and we'll be in business...

LOL, I laughed at the chicken coop cleaning thing.... my mom is the same way.... she has no problem eating nothing but white flour and sugar day in and day out, no exercise.. but POOP? OMG! CHild abuse!!
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