I cant believe its been a year!!

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WOW!!! That is great. I didn't even know you tried again. Please...please update as soon as you know something. I think about you and your troubles all the time.
Good luck, Redhen!
Oh man, bed rest. Hang in there and good luck!! And yes, re cleaning the chicken coop, my friend lives in the middle of midtown Manhattan, where if you leave a window open your sills are covered in soot within half an hour and people pee in the park where she takes her baby for a walk. Yah, I'm real worried about the chicken coop!
I just saw this. I'm so excited for you!! I was upset that both of us couldn't leave the infertility thread at the same time. I am rooting for you. How many did they transfer this time? I think the positive on the digital is an excellent sign!!
OOOHHH the added bonus of more than one baby...2 for the price of one...LOL.....we will be waiting for the news. I have always wanted twins, but I am lucky having to have one healthy baby.
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Thanks guys!

They only transferred 1 embie... i had the other 2 transfers that failed.... and this was my last little frozen embryo to try with. (i did 3 transfers back to back..)
I'm still in shock... I told the nurses and my doc that i was just coming in to get the valium that they give you for the transfer...
I had absolutely no hope for it to work this time...
I'm not going to get my hopes up too high yet... but whatever happens its still a good sign that this one at least is trying to make it.... so even if this one dosent make it ...it gives me SO much hope to keep trying.
let me know when I can let this "thrilled for you" out, I'll hold it in until you tell me!

for you and me before the big leap. Of course as a 1st timer your leap is bigger than mine.

Are you nervous? Evan after 7 kids I am still nervous
I think it is hormones. Life is never ever the same again. I remember after the birth of my oldest son the world rotated on its axis and my view point was never the same again. My husband said the same thing.
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