I cant believe its been a year!!

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Robin'sBrood :

I'm dealing with expressing with this little guy and it is both a blessing and a curse! Thanks to him being in the NICU for the first 6 days of his life and having to be bottle fed, he simply refuses to nurse. I've worked with lactation consultants too... no luck.
My advice (unless you want to have to pump ALL the time like I do) would be to wait several weeks, at least, before you start offering your little guy a bottle. One of the LCs I worked with said baby boys are notorious for being lazy about breastfeeding once they realize how much easier bottle feeding is. Typical male behavior, huh?

Anyway, this page has info that can help you with expressing/storage... http://www.breastfeeding-mom.com/express-breast-milk.html

This is the pump I'm using now, after renting a hospital grade Ameda pump for the first month. It works GREAT, love it! And I got a used one for $56 (including shipping) off ebay.

there is a fine line when introducing a bottle. With my 2nd and 3rd I introduced the bottle at about 4-6 weeks and with the 4th I waited until 2 1/2 - 3 months and he would not take one....tried, tried, and tried again. I was his one and only meal for the next year!​
Robin'sBrood :

I'm dealing with expressing with this little guy and it is both a blessing and a curse! Thanks to him being in the NICU for the first 6 days of his life and having to be bottle fed, he simply refuses to nurse. I've worked with lactation consultants too... no luck.
My advice (unless you want to have to pump ALL the time like I do) would be to wait several weeks, at least, before you start offering your little guy a bottle. One of the LCs I worked with said baby boys are notorious for being lazy about breastfeeding once they realize how much easier bottle feeding is. Typical male behavior, huh?

Anyway, this page has info that can help you with expressing/storage... http://www.breastfeeding-mom.com/express-breast-milk.html

This is the pump I'm using now, after renting a hospital grade Ameda pump for the first month. It works GREAT, love it! And I got a used one for $56 (including shipping) off ebay.

I've bought bottles that are supposed to be better for newborns because they replicate the feel of a nipple or something... but yeah, I'll put it off as long as I can
Daddy can do other things to bond at first... plenty of poo and pee to clean up, I'm sure!

thanks for the advice and the link
Mrs. Turbo :

one more thing......remember that sweet little face when they turn 4 and find the ink pen or crayon and draw all over the kitchen, hallways, sisters new doll house, toys, and your closet door........yup, almost lost it yesterday!
Guess it was time to touch up paint anyways. My daughter drew our family on the hallway of the stairs and it is so cure we haven't painted over it yet, but she did get in trouble.

oh bless her!

I wouldn't have DARED when I was a kid!​
Mrs. Turbo :

if you know hours ahead of time you will use frozen milk pull it out and put in the fridge.....when ready for it just put it in a hot container of water....no need for a warmer....or you can just pump and put in the fridge to use and heat later that day. I would pump at night and leave one bottle on the counter for DH to do a night feeding before he went to bed.
Fresh milk is good left at room temperature for 4-6 hours depending on how hot it is...... but if you don't need it put in fridge after 4 hours.
fresh milk is good in fridge for 3-5 days
freezer for 4-6 months
also trash what is left from a feeding.....you don't want to reuse it after giving to baby.

If you have time pump in the morning to get a good store of milk....that is when you have the most.

Okay...so here the latest scoop..
I bugged my ivf nurse to let me take the blood test today..(a day early)
And my BETA numbers were at 44... ugh.. not too good. But not totally bad either... (i guess..
I have to go back on Monday and get tested again... if the numbers double by then its a good sign.
The nurse said to not worry thats shes not worried....(easy for HER to say...lol) She said thats shes happy with a beta over 50 for FET's.... and mine was 44 and taken a day early.
But i've been reading up on BETA levels and mine is still pretty low... so... we'll see.
So.. i'll update again on Monday..good or bad.
Sigh.. nuttin' is ever easy for me..
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Red I had a girl on a different site in my due date club and she had levels around there at 14 days after ovulation. Found out
later she was having twins. So low numbers don't mean much. As long as they are close to doubling in 2 days you are fine. Some little ones are just slow to start producing that HCG. Keep up the hope!
Ok I found a site for you, just don't obsess over it. LOL http://www.betabase.info/showBasicChart.php?type=Single

are what 8 days post transfer? And it was a 5 day blast? So that would put you at equivalent to someone who is 13 days after ovulation. If that is the case: 62 is the median HCG level of reported successful singleton pregnancies, 3 is the lowest reported number and 575 is the highest reported number. That is out of 1127 successful singleton pregnancies.

So don't worry.
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