I cant believe its been a year!!

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I had my 13 week appt yesterday. Everything is looking good and measuring ok. Baby's HB wa 156 and it kept moving all over. Lost a pound but I have been sick so that isnt too concerning.

My next appt is in 4weeks and gender sono in 5 weeks (aug 3rd)
Ok, so I'm sure this sounds like a dumb question for those of you that have done this before, but what do I need to pack to have ready for the hospital? Obviously baby's car seat, clothes for me, etc, but what am I not thinking about?
I don't bring a lot of stuff..... I like a pink or blue blanket and hat, the pads at the hospital suck so I bring my own heavy flow ones. If you are breast feeding you might need some breast pads, but I don't always need them. Slippers to walk in, flip flops for shower.....they have gowns and you will bleed a lot so not sure if you want to wear your own, but I do bring a house coat and my pillow.....might think of more later...

coins for the vending machine, camera, magazines, phone charger.
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bring a laptop if you can..it was a lifesaver! i was ok the first night but by the second night i was so lonely!
Ok, so I'm sure this sounds like a dumb question for those of you that have done this before, but what do I need to pack to have ready for the hospital? Obviously baby's car seat, clothes for me, etc, but what am I not thinking about?

I suggest for the breast feeding Moma, some pure lanolin, there is some in a purple tube that is really good and doesn't need to be wiped off before baby eats, a nursing bra, and some breast pads. If you are not nursing, I am no help.

For other new mommy comforts, a cell phone and charger for phone calls and late night loneliness, I also like to load music on my phone to listen to instead of watching tv, comfortable clothing if you dont want to wear a gown, a bit of pocket money for sending people out for your wants (this is nice if you happen to crave an oreo blizzard after delivery like I do, most people will not actually let you pay for anything but it is nice to attempt to pay for yourself). Pads if you are at all brand sensitive. A camera for those 3 am wonderful moments. Paper and pen or laptop for recording thoughts while fresh. I also bring a pillow from home, CLEARLY marked, because I like the comfort factor of the pillow under my head not feeling like paper. I probably overpack...

We also bring our own baby blankets, because well, they only swaddle for so long and I like to get as much use out of them as I can.

I have done it twice before and am preparing for my third at the end November. Remember there are going to be people for you to send as gophers if you want, need, or forget something at home.​
We have decided to begin trying for baby #3. Hoping #3 is as easy to conceive as the first two. I'm so nervous! I always get this way! You know how it is -- I'd like to know right at this moment if I am or if I am not. Decided to start trying a few months earlier than planned -- we couldn't wait anymore!

I agree with LittleSquidgenHome -- the pure Lanolin is great. I think Lanisoh is one brand. I start using it before I'm at the hospital, though. With the second baby, I was dialated to 4.5 at the 37 week checkup. I started using it then. I had her at exactly 38 weeks.
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