I cant believe its been a year!!

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Well today I was 1 cm 80% thinned out and -2 station. Dr manually stimulated my cervix to see if I can get labor to start going on my own. I am booked to be induced Tuesday at 6am if I don't go into labor before hand....

Well needless to say Ive been crampy all day and Ive gotten some bloody show. Also had contractions about 7 minutes apart for a good couple of hours.

Wow.... hope to hear about a fast and happy ;labor and bouncy baby soon!!

I see you are from Dunnelon... I have family there! My aunt and uncle run a quarter horse farm there.

Well guys, I am still hanging in there. It is a lot more reassuring now that I can feel baby kick. Had the ultrasound, everything is *AOK*

We did not find out the gender. Everyone seems ticked...

I am just happy. 22 weeks, no preeclampsia. I have an ultrasound in a few weeks to look at just the placenta... my OB said that by a doppler ultrasound they can detect PE before it happens.

So.... if PE is 5-8% of all pregnancies, why don;t they do it for EVERY WOMAN? That's a huge amount of lives that could have been saved...
Mrs. Turbo :

my water broke last 3 babies and I put a diaper in my pants.....LOL

make sure you pack maternity pants or shorts to wear home.... trust me, most people still need them.

DH is buying my a new nightgown, new slippers and robe to wear home. (There won't be anybody to greet us at the door so I can just relax when I get home so I will leave the Maternity stuff at home.

I did the diaper thing too. I read somewhere that adult diapers are good for after the birth. More comfortable than the hospital ones and more absorbent than the usual pads.
jumping in here, not expecting. wondering if anyone has plans for their placenta? ignore me if it's an icky consideration... i've known some interesting folks' decisions regarding afterbirth...
yeah, we like to make soup out of it....

I watch the baby shows on TV and some people have strange ways of doing things......
my fiance wanted to eat it - until I showed him a photo of one. He changed his mind!
I have heard of people having it dried and encapsulated. They swear it helps with post partum depression. Others plant it under a tree.
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