I cant believe its been a year!!

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Southernbelle - November 28

The ultrasound said we're having a boy! We were hoping for a boy because now we'll have 2 boys and 2 girls.

Congrats SouthernBelle! How exciting!
gpamela3499 July 15th
KellyHM August 4th
GAChknGirl 12 August
mrs turbo Due Sept. 23
littlefarm_bighappy Last week Oct (dates are guesses)
Southernbelle - November 28
Livinzoo December 28
Noble Rooster Jan 8
I can't believe I'm next in line after gpamela! I think the baby must be "dropping" b/c I have a lot of pressure in my pelvis today...it almost feels bruised. Anyone want to confirm that for me?

I got the 2nd coat of paint on the baby's room yesterday and the carpet is being installed tomorrow, so things are coming along. Nothing like waiting until the 9th month! I also have Sun and Mon off, so I can start putting the room together after the carpet's in. I also picked up my stroller/carseat and Pack N Play today. I think I now have everything I need except the baby.
Hmmm, maybe that's not it then. I definitely have to make a lot of trips to the bathroom, but I still have a lot of heartburn. Maybe my body is just achy.
I have heartburn during the entire pregnancy......

Well, found out what the blood is about. I guess my placenta is starting to separate and the blood is funneling through my cervix....makes it look like mucus plug I guess. Got to see baby boy on the ultrasound and he is growing just fine and his feet are above his head.....
. I am on modified bed rest until 36 weeks.....not sure how that will happen with all the kids here at home, but I will do my best.
Mrs. Turbo I wish you luck and hope your family will help you out a lot.

Well, found out what the blood is about. I guess my placenta is starting to separate and the blood is funneling through my cervix....makes it look like mucus plug I guess. Got to see baby boy on the ultrasound and he is growing just fine and his feet are above his head..... smile . I am on modified bed rest until 36 weeks.....not sure how that will happen with all the kids here at home, but I will do my best.

That would scare me to death. Your in my prayers. Please take care
congrats southernbelle!

take care mrs.turbo, that has to be scary!

I have my gender sono Aug 3rd at 19weeks. I still think girl and so does DH but for whatever reason my friends are all rooting for boy LOL. I have explained to them that is it is a boy I am going to be dressing him in pink since that is all I have and they laugh like I am kidding...which sadly I am not LOL
my son was born 10 months after my daughter and we didn't find out the sex......we did buy one blue newborn outfit and had one pink outfit to bring the baby home in. He wore pink sleepers for the first week....LOL When my family saw the pictures of the baby boy in pink they sent boxes of blue stuff.

So ready to have this baby!!!! 9 weeks to go!
I'm due July 20th.

I hope I don't make it that long though. She is pressed up against my ribs and is causing major pain. This pain has never happened with any of my other babies, but every pregnancy is different.
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