I cant believe its been a year!!

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Those hormones are nasty things, aren't they?
im with you there...i am still getting depressed! the first month, i was so ready to pack up and just leave..i hated everyone and everything.
I think you have a mind block about putting me on there.
August 4th.

Sorry that you feel so bad.
I'm not looking forward to that part. I've already started feeling depressed at times and I haven't even had the baby yet.
promiselandfarm July 20th
KellyHM Aug. 4
mrs turbo Due Sept. 23
littlefarm_bighappy Last week Oct (dates are guesses)
Birdgirl Nov 17
Southernbelle - November 28
Livinzoo December 28
Mandalina Jan 1st
Noble Rooster Jan 8
BlueRoseMama Feb ?

I am very sorry KellyHM I don know why I keep leaving you off
Hi ya'll, not to hijack your thread - but I was wondering from those who had a c-section (if you did) do you think 3 weeks out you'd be up to jogging to get your shape back???

only wondering - because we had some family drama here - and my BIL is trying to convince us that his wife is out jogging to get her shape back 3 weeks after having a c-section and a high risk pregnancy.

I had a c-section 2 years ago - and the site is still sensitive to the touch - and I all I remember for the first 3 weeks is severe pain!

So, I'm just wondering, did I just have the unusual awful c-section, or are most women able to move easily and jog 3 weeks out?
I have had 2 c sections, not in any pain at 3 weeks out but my Dr told me to limit activity til 6-8 weeks. At 3 weeks she shouldn't be thinking about getting back into shape yet. There is alot to heal still and jogging probably isn't best. Walks should be fine.
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